Chapter 1-The Start

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---Leo's POV---
My and my bros were sitting in our normal lunch spot (or table whatever.) talking and waiting for our other friends and the girls to sit at the table across from us. Each one of us has a crush on one of them so (I'll do first and last names because I can.)

Leonardo Hamato likes Venus de Milo even though she's bullied because people think she's lesbian all started because she asked a girl out I thought it was daring and sweet of her but she got brutally turned down. She's captain of the Swim team while I'm captain of the basketball team.
Raphael Hamato likes Larota Phoenix he's captain of the football team with almost all the girls drooling and she's has almost all the boys wrapped around her finger.
Donatello Hamato likes Talena Belrose  she doesn't talk except with her friends and he tries to beat her grades but they're the smartest kids in school most why I think he crush on her because she's so smart.
Michelangelo Hamato likes Amoly Matthews. Both have the stereotype of skaters minus the complete stupidity...most of the time.

We saw the three of girls sit down at their table Venus on one side and Taly and Amoly on the other. We could hear their conversation even though they weren't that loud at all.

"Please Ven!" Amoly begged. "I already told you I can't go to your sleepover." Venus said sternly. "Come on! You can it'll get you away from him." Amy said with Taly nodding. "Guys you know if I do he'll get worse." Who in the world is him?! "But we'll protect you." "No! Last time you did that you got hurt and it was all my fault." "Ven you know we would all die for you and we know you'd do the same for us so I'd do it again if I have to." "No please don't Amy the world needs you." "It also needs you Ven."
Then we saw Lara walk behind Venus silently then put her arms around Ven's waist causing her to jump. "Hey babe." Lara said. The girls act like (at least we think.) they're going out while together you know teenage girl stuff. Lara and Ven pretend and Taly and Amy but only when no one really pays attention. Venus smiled as Lara kissed her cheek and sat down beside her. "So are you going to the sleepover?" Lara asked. "I would but I don't have anything to wear." "You can wear some of my get your stupid black hair out of your face!" Lara said loudly trying to get Ven's dyed black hair out of its style but Ven smacked her hand.

She used to have light brown hair that was always in a braid now she has black emo style hair it goes well with her blue eyes.
Lara still has her dark red hair in a ponytail (with some hair hanging out.) to show off her golden eyes.
Taly with her dark oak colored hair that matched her coffee/Carmel brown eyes in a purple headband as always with a hidden streak of purple in it they don't allow unnatural colored hair even though we all know that was an lab accident (weirdoes!).
Amy with her blond braided pigtails and baby blue eyes.

Me with my sandy brown hair going just about everywhere and dark blue eyes.
Raph has spiked light red hair and his bright emerald eyes that he hates.
Donnie with dark brown long shaggy hair he sometimes puts in a little ponytail to go with his reddish-brown eyes.
Mikey the blond of the family but his blond shaggy hair shows off his light blue eyes.
I was brought back to reality as I heard a little smack. I looked and saw Amy having a hold of Ven wrist. "You promised!" She said simply. "I'm sorry but I can't simply break that habit.." Ven looked down at her lap. "Babe please... Don't do this... You promised us. You promised me..." "I know and I'm sorry.." "Don't be Ven. It's ok!" Taly said. "Thanks for understanding." They all slightly smiled.

"Woah dude did you see what I saw!" Mikey asked. "I think I did!" "Why did they do that?!" "I don't know." "What are you guys talking about me and Raph asked.

   "Oh you two didn't see what was on Lara and Ven's fingers" (THEY ARE WET WITH CLEAR STUFF AND ITS NOT WATER!!! No I'm kidding!!). "Wait what?!" "They had matching promise rings!!" "WHAT????" "Maybe they aren't faking maybe it's for real..." Raph looked over and then hunched over with sad look. I looked over as well to make sure they weren't joking but nope they were right! Lara and Ven did have the rings... But there's no way! They're best friends!!! Best friends in love apparently. NO!! Lara's straight and they're just bestfriends...right...

A/N How was that first chapter? I would've done more but I thought I NEEDED some feedback before I go any further! So tell me how it was and if you are confused then I'll answer your questions!! So please LIKE/DISLIKE COMMENT BANANA!!! (If you get that I love you!) PS DID I DO GOOD?!?! I was trying to make Lara and Ven like Pricefield! But it's hard to get that Adorableness in one chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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