Chapter 1

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*Deans POV*

"Sam!! I'm going to work!" I yell hopefully waking up Sam, he still doesn't believe I went to acting school. When Sam went to law school a really nice looking girl signed me up for some acting school and I never had the gut to drop out even though we aren't 'together'. After three months of being out of school and only getting small rolls in student films Sam convinced me to move to California and get a job at Disney Land. "I'm leaving b!tch" I hear a groan "Jerk!" Sam yells as I walk out the door.

"How are you today baby." She roars to life then we rip out of the driver way towards work. They haven't told me what I'll be playing just that it's a new character and there is a love interest. Doesn't really matter to me as long as she's hot. I pull up into the staff parking and walk up to the office where some official looking chic is "Hey I'm Dean." I say sticking my hand out for her to shake. "For your first day don't you think you should have dressed up?" She says looking at me with disgust, I look down at my AC DC shirt with a jean jacket then a redish jacket on top with a pair of blue jeans. "Well the girl last night thought it was hot." She rolled her eyes "Room 404 on the forth floor." I rolled my eyes and go to the elevator and hit 4.

I walk down the hall to the room 404 and knock on the door then open the door. "Ah, Dean you are 15 minutes late." I just shrug and sit in the empty seat beside a guy who seems to be wearing a trench coat with black jeans and white button up with a blue tie. "Now that you are here we can talk. Dean this is your acting companion Castiel." I look over at him as he sticks his hand out for me to shake which I do while taking in his features. He had beautiful blue eyes, a little bit of stubble, precious pink lips, and messy black hair. "Now the play is called Disnay. And the plot line is a prince falling in love with another prince." ANOTHER PRINCE "Wait wait wait! Another guy! I never signed up for this." Castiel just looked at me with big eyes as the lady behind the desk rolled her eyes, "Did you read the fine print of the contract? It said that there is a 50/50 chance your love interest could be a girl or a guy." My eyes go big, Sam told me something about this. "Is everything okay Dean? Having second thoughts?" If I don't go through with this Sam would never believe I went through acting school, I can let Sam have something over my head. "No no. I just forgot about that part. I'm cool."

The rest of the meeting turned out to be more contract signing and getting our script.

Hey!!! Sorry short chapter they will be longer I promise! Vote and Comment!!!

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