Chapter 6

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*Dean's POV*
6 am is when my alarm goes off, it startles a naked Cas that was laying on my naked body on the theater floor. His beautiful black hair tossed in every direction, his sea blue eyes hidden by his eye lids. He's taking tiny breaths out of his mouth and his hand is laying on my bare chest. I shake Cas' shoulder trying to get him to wake up, he just hugs me tighter then cuddles his head more into my neck.  "Cas baby, we gotta get dressed before everyone gets here." I say still trying to get him to wake up. He slowly rolls off of me and lays on his back star fish up to the ceiling and huffs. "Dean, I don't wanna be a one night stand or a fuck buddy to you." Is all he says then turns his head to see me putting on underwear. "I'd like that too."I say while smiling at him.  I throw him underwear and a pair of jeans, he sits up then laughs at me. 

"Babe I didn't know you were into kinky stuff?" Cas chuckles out,  while putting on the underwear I handed him. "What do you mean? I haven't even showed you my kinky side yet." I say and stood up grabbing jeans and shirts. "Well I'm wearing your underwear and you're wearing mine." He says while standing up and putting on jeans and shirts. I laugh a little and blush, finish buttoning up my shirt. "It's okay Dean, I think you're cute. And I like kinky." Cas says and winks at me then pulls a shirt over his head.    

"I'm going back to bed." I say and hide my blushing face in my bawled up jacket. "Awe is the big manly Dean Winchester blushing at something Castiel Novak the porn star said?" He leaned closer and put his head between my shoulder blades. "Well if you ever need a porn partner in your next video let me know." I say and grab his hand, Cas moves so he is fully laying on my back and holding both my hands down. "Don't worry, I'll for sure let you know after last night. Now we have about 2 hours until everyone else gets here, lets sleep." I nod in agreement and fall asleep almost instantly.

*2 hours later*

"Dean! Castiel! Get your lazy butts up! We have work to do bitchez" Charlie says as she walks in with Kevin. I feel Cas let go of my hand and lift up his arm then but it make where it was. "Don't flip me off Castiel! Did you see that Kevin? Ugh morning after always sucks." Charlie says while walking closer to the stage with Kevin. Cas and I both stay in our place while Charlie came over and pushed us over. "It's time for rehearsal, get up." Kevin says and walks away. 

*After 6 hour rehearsal (2 pm)*

"Cas, I'll drive you home." I say while walking towards my car, I open the door for him like the gentle man I am. We didn't talk to much on the way to his house, we were both pretty tired. "How about a proper date, this weekend?" I say when we pull up to his house. "I'd like that very much." Cas says then kisses me then gets out of the car. Damn do I feel like I won the lottery. 

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