Chapter 3

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When Monday finally roles around I feel anxious about how everything will go. It's just rehearsal so we won't have an audience like we will when we get better at it. I've played in a few commercials so how different could it be from live acting? I walk down stairs to see Sam cooking breakfast in his suit I smirk a little and creep up behind him then ruffle up his hair, he spins around real quick and glares at me. "Dean my hair can't be messy for work. Plus I have a meeting today with Mr. Novak, he is thinking of making me one of their head lawyers." He says with a huge smile while fixing his hair. "That's great Sammy! Wait but haven't you only been working their for a few months?" I say while grabbing plates out for us to eat on. "Yea but everyone says I would do so much better with the bigger cases." He says while sliding slightly burnt eggs on both plates then putting bacon on them.

After breakfast it take a quick shower and get dressed then heading to Disney for rehearsal. As soon as I get inside the theater I realize how big it is, it had to seat at least 500 people and the stage was huge. I walk towards the front where everyone is sitting waiting for the director to come, no one knows who's directing it yet. I find a seat in the second row just as a short man with hair almost as long as Sam's is walks in. I know I've seen his face before, and everyone around me has gone quite. The short man walks to the front and smiles at everyone. "Hello, as most of you know my name is Chuck Shirley. Yes the Chuck that wrote the Supernatural books, I am here to direct the play. Now would our main characters Prince Alec and Prince Oliver please come to the front."

Cas and I stand walking to the front so we are both on his right side facing everyone else. "Now this is just a rehearsal but I want to see as much emotion as you would put in the real performances. And before we start I want everyone to get to know the stars of the show. Now where's Charlie and Kevin?" Right after he asked the question a girl with red hair and an Asian dude came running to the back and stood on the other side of Chuck. "Great we will start with you two, introduce yourselves. Like your name, part, why you want to be involved in this play, and what was your last job."

The red head smiles and looks at everyone. "Hi I'm Charlie Bradbury, I am the head lighting and tech person so if you have a problem with anything let me know. I wanted to be apart of this play because the LGTBQ community needs more awareness and more people need to see that we aren't monsters like the media makes us. Um my last job was on the set of the Supernatural play." She says then smiles and looks at the Asian guy.
"I'm Kevin Tran and I'm the stage manager. I wanted to be apart of the play for the same reason as Charley really, I think it's great that the LGTBQ is getting seen more in the media. My last job was on the set of the Supernatural play as well." After Kevin finished everyone looked over to Cas.
"My names Castiel Novak and I'm playing Prince Alex. I wanted to be in the play because of the beautiful story the writers have written and how they didn't let anyone get in the way of their love. My last job was playing a pizza guy in a no named pornography film." Wait did Cas just say pornography?! This guy was in a porno!? Wow he doesn't not seem like the type of guy to be in that. I realize everyone is looking at me and it must be my turn, I clear my throat and smile at everyone.
"Hey I'm Dean Winchester and I'm playing Prince Oliver. I wanted to be in this play because I thought it would be a good experience, and it's great the LGTBQ community is getting more light. And my last job was in a commercial for Iams cat food."

Chuck smiles at us all then back at everyone else, "Great now that we all know about them let's get rehearsal started. Scene one act one."

(After rehearsal around dinner time)

Live acting is completely different from on camera acting and a lot harder. You can't mess up a line or go back and you have to have so much more emotion. I never thought it would be this hard but I'm not quiting now I like a challenge. As I'm walking towards baby I see Cas walking towards the bus stop.
"Hey Cas, are you taking the bus?" I ask while stopping beside him. "Yea. My brother is using my car until he can afford his own." He says while looking at me, this guy is so serious all the time but so gorgeous at the same time. "Would you like a drive home? I don't mind." I offer Cas shakes his head as says. "I wouldn't want to be a bother to you." I smile and grab his wrist lightly and start leading him towards my car.

"Now where do you live Cas?" I ask glancing at him then starting baby up. "I live on baker road by the water." He says and looks out the water, I smirk and pull out of the parking lot heading towards where be said. The drive is quite except for the rock music playing in the background. When I turn on his street he breaks the silence and says. "I'm the last house on the street." I nod and start driving to the end, the more houses we past the bigger and more glamorous they get. I wonder what Cas' house will look like if it's at the end.

When I reach his house I'm in awe, it's the size of a mansion, all white and cream colours, with huge bay windows and balconies. Cas looks at me and smirks a little. "My oldest brother owns the law firm Sam works at and his boyfriend is one of the biggest models right now. While my other older brother owns the biggest candy franchise in the world. All four of us share this house." I look at him shocked, his whole family is so successful. "Wait if all of them make that much money why are you all living in one house?" I ask truly, why would they all share when they can each afford they're own house of this size most likely. Cas turns in the seat so his upper body us facing me. "We all liked this city and they're traveling a lot so at least they know someone will be at the house when they're not." I look at him still kinda shocked. "Wait didn't you say your brother was using your car until he can afford one?" He nods lightly "My brother that doesn't live with us just trashed his car and refuses to pay out of pocket for a new car so he's using mine until he gets the insurance money." I nod my head thinking of how smart his brother is being.

"Thanks for dropping me off I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow." Cas says as he gets out of baby I smile and give a little wave while saying "See you tomorrow Cas." I drive the short 5 minutes from Cas' place to mine, and when I walk into the apartment Sam is standing in the living room with a huge smile on his face. I look at him questioningly and raise an eyebrow. "I got it Dean! I got the job! Mr. Novak said I would be perfect and strive in the post on!" He yells then runs and hugs me full force. I smile and hug him back just as tight. "That's awesome Sammy! I'm so proud of you!" I say, we pull away and we're both smiling big. "Oh and we need to go shopping soon, Mr. Novak wants to have me and you over for dinner next week. And we have to wear simular to what I wear to work."

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