Chapter 2

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Deans P.O.V.

We didn't start rehearsals for a week, to give everyone time to learn the script roughly. My character Prince Oscar is described as outgoing, athletic, and free spirited. I'm going to be playing a fucking soccer Prince, great. Castiel's character Prince Alec is described as shy and quite, looks like he won't be doing much acting. 

I've read over the script once or twice and practiced my bigger lines when Sam's at work, but mostly I've been watching Dr. Sexy MD. Great show. It's Thursday now so I've got about 3 days until first rehearsal. I should probably rehearse a bit today so I can go to the beach this weekend with Sam when he's off, but my phone rings. Without checking the he ID I hit answer.
"Hello?" I said still watching Dr. Sexy MD
"Hey Dean, I should be getting home early today. So you want me to stop and get food?" Sam says in his professional voice, obvious to that he's in the office hoping no one heard.
"Yea sure. Can you you pick up pie? Oh and what time are you getting off at?" Only half paying attention because two hot nurses are making out in the elevator on tv.
"In like 5 minutes. I'll bring home dinner as well. Anyways see ya soon." I lean over the couch to look at the clock on the stove seeing it's already 5.
"Yea okay bye Sammy." I said then hang up.

I turn off the tv and start clearing off the table and kitchen so Sam doesn't think I've done nothing all day. Now before you start asking about my sexuality, I'm straight-ish. Well I've never tried anything or been attracted to a guy, but who says I won't like it if I did try. But I don't really want to try anything just yet, so for now I'm straight.

Sam comes home about half an hour later, I set the table cleaned the kitchen and I'm reading through my script. I set down the script and head out side to help Sam, noticing he got my favourite brand of cherry pie.


I wake up to sound of my ring tone going off, I quickly grab my phone and answer it.
"Hello?" I say with my voice full of sleep.
"Dean Winchester? It's Castiel Novak, the actor playing Prince Alec." Man does the guy have a deep voice.
"Uh yea, hey. Why are yo calling me at..." I lean over and check my alarm clock " 7 in the morning on a Saturday?"
"Dean it's Friday. And I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee, to discuss the play." Shit I forgot it was only Friday, I nod my head to answer Castiel but then I remember he can't see me.
"Sure Cas. Where do you want to meet?" There was slight silence then he answered.
"How about at the Starbucks on main at 9?"
"Sound good. See you there." We both hang up, and I put my phone on the night stand and cuddle back into bed.

Then my moose of a younger brother run in to my room and turns on the light then moves the curtain open.
"What I heard you on the phone. Dean you can't just sit around all day and do nothing. Get up and get ready for your date." Sam said in a matter of fact tone, stupid energetic puppy.
"It's not a date. It's the guy who's playing Prince Alec."
"So your going out for coffee with the guy who's playing your characters gay love interest? Sounds like a date to me." He said well sitting on the corner of my bed. I take the pillow from under my head and hit him with it.
"Shut up. And get out so I can get ready." I say while slowly sitting up, Sam laughs while leaving.

I head towards the bathroom so I can get a shower and brush my teeth. While I was waited for the water to heat up, I brushed my teeth. Wait! How did Cas get my number? I never gave it too him when we first met. Hmm I'll just have to ask him when we meet up. I get in the shower and wash my short dirty blonde hair and body. When I finish its already 10 to 8, I get dressed in normal blue jeans and a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt.

I walk downstairs to see Sam sitting on the couch in his pj's watching some history documentary with a bowl of lucky charms.
"Sammy don't you have work?" I asked while fixing myself a bowl of lucky charms.
"Nah they called and said not to come in because it's too nice out. Oh am I loving California." As he put his feet on top of the coffee table. I just roll my eyes and sit beside him with my bowl them changing the tv channel. We watch a bit of tv before Sams pushing me out the door for my so called 'date'.

I get in baby starting her up and hearing the amazing purr as she comes to life. I pull into the coffee shop exactly at 9 and see Cas sitting in the front left corner infront of the window. "Hey Cas." I say while sitting suddenly feeling nervous.
"Hello Dean." I quickly scan his facing seeing that he has few days of stubble littering his face, unlike me I can go 2 days before I need to shave.
"So what did yo want to discuss?" I said before he thought I was staring at him.
"Well with talking to my brother Gabriel I realized that being straight and having to kiss another man could be hard." What was Cas getting at? Did he think I wasn't a good enough actor?
"Cas what are you saying? I think I can handle acting gay." This guy doesn't know who the hell he's talking to, I'm an amazing actor. Oscar winning grade of acting right here if you ask me.
"No Dean, I think you could act gay. What I'm saying is I don't want you to be uncomfortable." I roll my eyes.
"Like I am in this conversation? Look I'm fine, I would have backed out of I didn't want to do this. I'll be fine." He looks right into my eyes and cocks his head like an adorable little puppy. His blue eyes searching for some sort of lie in my face. I lean forward so our noses are almost touching, I can feel his breath against my lips and it's almost too overwhelming.
"Take a picture sweetheart it lasts longer." I whisper then sit back in my seat with a little smirk as his cheeks blush and he tries to hide his face.
"Any other questions you would like to ask?" I say and he shakes his head while he studies the top of his coffee lid. I smile even bigger then pay his hand and walk out of the coffee shop towards baby.

When I get home Sam is still on the couch in his pj but he's watching a different show. I walk by him and Ruffle his hair then sit down.
"How was your date?" Sam says without taking his eyes off the tv.
"Ah I've had better and I've also had better. If you know what I mean." I wiggle my eyebrows in a suggestive way. Sam just laughs and shakes his head.
"Sammy what the hell are you watching? How are you even still awake?" I've only be watching tv for 5 minutes and I'm already bored, Sam just shakes his head. I stand up grab two beers from the fridge and a burger from last night, then sit beside Sam again.
"Dean, we should go surfing tomorrow or today." Sam says finally looking at me with hopeful puppy eyes. I smile knowing I couldn't say no to his puppy eyes ever since we were kids. I nod my head while taking a drink of beer.


Sam and I were standing on the beach in our wetsuits when I noticed someone in a trench coat and dress pants just like Cas was today, walking down the beach. I brush it off and turn back to Sam,
"Ready to go little brother?" He smiles then does the top button up and runs towards the water, me following in suit.

We spent about 4 hours at the beach and the guy in the trench coat was there the whole time as well. When I was walking by the trench coat guy I noticed his black disheveled hair and blue stunning eyes. I had to stop because the trench coat guy was Cas.
"Hey Cas, buddy. What are you doing here?" I say while sitting beside him.
"Hello Dean. Well I quite enjoy being by the water. It helps me think." He looks at me again with those piercing blue eyes that look like they are looking right at your soul. I started to memorize every little fleck and shade of colour in his beautiful blue eyes when Sam cleared his throat beside me and smiled.
"Oh Cas this is Sam my younger brother. Sam this is Castiel." They both smile and shake hands, Sam has to kneel and lean over me since he was still standing.
"It's nice to meet you Cas, I've heard a lot about you." Sam says smiling.
"It's Castiel, and don't you work for the law firm down town?" He asks with his face turned towards the ocean.
"Yea, Novak Firm. Have we represented you?" Sam asked like the hyper active moose he is.
"No, my brother Michael owns it." Cas still hasn't taken his eyes off the ocean since Sam has gotten here. I wonder why he won't look, and why he corrected Sam on his name. There was a awkward silence that I didn't know how to fill.
"Well it was nice running into you Cas. I'll see you on Monday." I say then turn to Sam signalling him to get up.
"See you on Monday Dean, nice meeting you Sam."
And with that we walked away.

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