Chapter 9

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It's Saturday,the morning of the day of the party, or two days before Christmas. Last night Matthew and Emma went shopping while Belle was at home with Bonnie as a babysitter.

"Morning Beautiful!" Matthew says as a roll over in bed groggily.

"What time is it?" I ask still half asleep. I am exhausted we got back to my house at midnight and then we watched a movie that was on tv. There were so many people out last night and the snow was coming down so hard it took forever to get home.

"It's almost noon." Matt answers. 

"We need to get up there is lots to do before tonight. Plus I bet Belle is already up." I say sitting up.

"Did you see her yesterday? I bet she is still asleep." Matt replies.

"Are you making a bet with me Matthew?" I laugh.

"I think I am." Matthew tells me.

"Okay then let's go down to Belle's room and if she is awake you have to make lunch and clean up." I say confidently.

"Oh and if she is still asleep I get... I get a kiss." Matthew tells me.

"That just isn't right. Why would I ever want to kiss you? That's just cruel." I say jokingly.

"Well then you better hope that you are right." Matt replies.

We hop out of bed and rush down into Belle's room. When we get there Belle is no where to be seen.

"Look who was wrong." I taunt Matt.

"I guess I'm making lunch." Matt says.

"And cleaning up." I remind him. "Come on let's go find Belle." I give him a peck on the cheek and then head down stairs to look for Belle.

Belle is sitting on the couch watching tv when we find her.

"What are you watching Belle?" I ask as I sit next to her on the couch.

"Mummy you're up!" Belle exclaims as she throws her arms around me.

"I missed you." She says softly.

"I missed you too." I tell her "Come on Matt is making us some lunch."

***Belle's pov***
I wake up and take in my surroundings. I don't think I will ever get used to living with mum and having my own amazing room.

I grab my pink fuzzy blanket and wrap it around my body as I slide out of bed. I had so much fun with Aunt Bonnie last night. We watched Frozen and I fell asleep before it ended again. I think I'm going to finish watching the movie if mum isn't up yet.

I walk down the hall trying not to trip over my blanket. I open mum's door a little bit and Matt and Mummy are still asleep. I go slowly down the steps so I don't slip on my blanket. When I reach the living room I find the remote. Luckily when I turn on the tv it's already on the disk menu so all I have to do is press play for the movie to start.

The movie is almost over when mummy and Matthew comes downstairs.

"What are you watching Belle?" Mum asks as she comes and sits down next to me.

"Mummy you're up!" I exclaim as I  throws her arms around mum.

"I missed you." I say softly.

"I missed you too." Mum tells me  "Come on Matt is making us some lunch."

"Great I'm really hungry, but can we finish watching Frozen?" I ask mum.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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