Chapter 4

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(The **** is a time lapse)

***Belle pov***

         "Bye Belle." Matt says as we hug. "Bye Matt. You promise you'll come see us again soon?" I ask. "As soon as I have a break in my schedule I promise I will come see you and mummy." Matt replies. Then Matt stands up and gives mum a hug. "I'll give you two a minute." I say as I walk over to the couch. A few minutes later I hear the door shut and then Mum walks over to me and asks, "So what do you think of Matthew?" "He is really nice." I tell mum. "He is and he loves you Belle." Mum tells me as she gives me a hug. I am so lucky to finally have people who love me. It is a very good feeling to be loved. "I love you mummy." I say. "I love you too Belle." She replies.

        "So what do you want to do now?" Mum asks. "I don't know." I reply. "Well it's 4:45 so how about we go for a walk in Central Park and then we can grab some dinner?" Mum says. "Sounds good, but can I change into some better clothes first?" I ask. "Okay. How about you wear your jeans, the shirt with the heart on it, and  your uggs today, so tomorrow you can wear the navy dress?" Mum says. "Sounds good." I reply. Mum helps me change my clothes, and then we head out of the apartment.

          I follow mum out of the building and  she holds my hand as we walk into the busy sidewalk. "Okay the park is only a block away, and once we get there it will be a little less crowded." mummy says. "Okay." I reply. It is chilly out here but it is not to cold. When we reach the park the it gets less crowded just like mum said it would. "The snow makes it look so pretty." I say. "Yeah it all looks very pretty." Mum replies. "Where are we going to go for dinner?" I ask. "I have not decided yet. Maybe pizza." Mum tells me. "I've always wanted to try real pizza. At the orphanage we only had homemade pizza and it wasn't that good." I reply. "So what do you want for Christmas?" Mum asks me. "You don't have to get me anything. You have already given me everything I've always wanted. I have a family now." I say. I've never gotten many presents at the orphanage and if I got anything it was new clothes I needed. "Aww I'm so happy I've been able to give you that." Mum says and then she stops walking to give me a hug. When we pull away I give Mum a smile and say, "Thank you so much for adopting me." Mum looks down to me and replies, "Thank you so much for being my daughter." I hold mum's hand again and we keep walking.


       "That was the best dinner ever!" I exclaim as mum and I walk out of the pizza place we just ate dinner at. "I'm glad you liked it so much, but I'm warning you pizza in England isn't as good." Mum says. "Then we will have to get pizza every time we come to New York." I reply. "I think that can be done." Mum says while smiling. We walk back to the apartment,  but when we get there there is a mob of paparazzi waiting outside the building. I freeze, I am not ready to face the paparazzi again. Mum pulls me over to the side of the sidewalk. She gets down low and whispers, "It's okay. It's okay. I'm going to call the lobby and ask what's going on. I promise I won't take you through that crowd."  I respond with a quiet okay, and then mum pulls out her phone to call the lobby.

***Emma's pov***

          I cannot believe our luck. Two paparazzi visits in one day. I pull out my phone to call Thomas the door man. The line beeps busy. Oh great now what am going to do? "Mummy what is going on?" Belle asks. I can tell she is almost in tears. I pick her up and place her on my hip. "Do you want to go see the biggest Christmas tree ever?" I ask her. Belle nods and I turn around and start walking to Rockefeller centre.


      "Oh my gosh! This is the biggest Christmas tree I have ever seen!!!" Belle exclaims as she wiggles out of my arms to go and run up to the big Christmas tree. "Mummy mummy can we get a Christmas tree this big?" Belle asks looking up at me with her beautiful stormy blue eyes. "I don't think one this big would fit in our house but we will certainly get a tree." I say.  "Okay mummy." Belle replies. "How about I take a picture to send to Matthew?" I suggest. "Yeah take a picture! Take a picture!" Belle says while jumping up and down. "Okay but your going to have to stand still." I says while giggling a bit," one two three, say cheese." "Cheese." Belle says as she smiles. I take a few pictures when this lady comes up behind me and asks, "Would you like me to take a picture of the both of you?" I look behind her to see that she has kids. Mothers are trust worthy right? "Sure." I reply. I hand her my phone and then go stand by Belle. "Okay say cheese." The woman says. "Cheese." Belle and I both says together. "Okay here you go." The lady says as she hands me back my phone. "Thank you so much." I say. "No problem." The lady replies as she goes back to her family. I turn around to find Belle running around in circles. What got her so hyper? "Mummy can we please go back to the park so I can run around?" Belle asks. "Sure just let me send these pictures to Matthew." I reply. I send them to him and caption them we wish you were here with us. It's seven thirty so he is probably still on the plane. He replies I wish I was there too. Then someone behind me politely says, "excuse me." I turn around to see a girl probably thirteen or fourteen standing there. "I'm a huge fan, and I was wondering if I could have your autograph and take a picture." the girl says. "Sure, what is your name?" I ask her. "Addison" she replies. "That's a pretty name. Are you from around here or are you on vacation?" I say. "I'm on vacation. I live in Florida." Addison replies. "Cool." I say as I write on the piece of paper she gave me. "I'm am a huge fan of Harry Potter, and I have also seen your other films. You are an amazing actress." Addison says. "Awww thank you." I reply as I finish writing 'Addison always follow your dreams. You can do anything you set your mind to'. Then I sign my name. "Mummy." Belle whines. "One more minute sweetie." I tell her. "Aww she is so cute. I didn't know you had a daughter." Addison say. "I adopted her earlier today." I tell Addison. "You are going to be a great mom." Addison says. "Thank you." I reply. Then Addison's mum takes a picture of the two of us and Addison walks away. "Come on Belle let's go to the park" I say. "Finally!" Belle says as she takes my hand and walks quickly in the direction of the park.


         "Mummy I'm tired." Belle says as she reaches out to me signalling that she wants to be picked up. "Well you have been running around the park for an hour and it is almost 8:00. You should be tired." I reply as I pick her up. I head towards the apartment building. We are not far from it. As Belle was running around we kept moving closer and closer to the building. When we get there all the paparazzi is gone. Thomas opens the door for me and I ask him, "What was all the paparazzi about earlier?" "They were looking for Jennifer Lawrence." He replies. I just shake my head and walk towards the elevators. "Can I push the buttons?" Belle asks. "Sure." I reply as I put Belle down. She pushes the thirteen button and then we start to move up. "So when we get inside the apartment, do you want to take a bath or are you to tired?" I ask her. "I'll take a bath." She replies. "Okay. You can take it in my bathroom." I tell Belle. Then the elevator opens on our level. We walk to our apartment's door and the I open it. I take off my coat, and then Belle asks, "Where is your bathroom?" "I'll show you." I lead Belle to the bathroom in my room.  "I will get your pyjamas. Can you start the water?" I say to Belle. "Sure." Belle replies. I go into my extra bedroom which I guess in now Belle's bedroom, and get her new frozen pyjamas, a pair solid pink of underwear, and a pair of socks with pink stripes on them. I head across the hall into my bedroom, and then into my bathroom. When I get there Belle is messing with the bathtub's  faucet. "Do you need any help?" I ask Belle. "Yes please." Belle replies as she steps away from the tub. I turn the faucets so the bathtub fills with warm water. I turn to leave but then Belle says, "Mummy Can you please stay and help me?" "Of course." I reply.


          After Belle is clean and has her pyjamas on she says, "I'm tired." "Well you have had a very long day." I reply. "Can I go to bed?" Belle asks. "You have to brush your teeth first. I think I have an extra one in here." I tell Belle. I open up my medicine cabinet and on the top shelf there is a toothbrush still in its wrapper. "Here you go. I am going to go put on my pyjamas." I say as I hand the new toothbrush to Belle. "Okay. I will wait to come out so you can change." Belle says. I go into my room and pull out some green and blue polka dot pyjama pants. I put those on and then I get out a white long sleeve pyjama shirt. "You can come out now." I tell Belle through the bathroom door. "Where am I going to sleep tonight?" Belle asks me. "You cant sleep in the room across the hall, or you can sleep with me in here." I say to her. "Can I please sleep with you?" Belle asks. "Of course you can, just let me brush my teeth and then I'll be right out." I reply. I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth, and then I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail. When I go back into my room Belle is snuggled up under the covers. I climb in bed next to her and whisper, "Good night Belle." I hear a faint good night from Belle as we both fall asleep.

So sorry I didn't update when I said I would. I got busy with it being Christmas. This is a filler chapter sorry hopefully my next one will have more action. I will definitely update in the next week.

Adopted by emma watsonWhere stories live. Discover now