Chapter 4

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"okay, thanks." He said and kiss my cheeks, Oh no I feel it again, I fall in love with him again. I miss kissing his soft lips, I miss holding his hand, I miss him so much, when I want to call his name but too late he already in the room. I must to spit all this words to someone, so I go to Carlos dressing room to call Ella, I knock on the door and someone open the door and the one that open the door is Kendall, he look at me straight into my eyes and I look straight into his eyes too, I’m melting, urgh.. I can’t hold it but I have too, then I close my eyes and then open again

"excuse me for a moment." I said and get in the room to Ella

"hey Shania." She said

"no buts no cuts no coconuts, come with me."

"okay." She said and I pull her hand and she scream "whoa"

"James I’ll borrow her for a moment and your dressing room too, ok, bye."

"no probs." He said

"thanks." I said and got out the room and to James dressing room. I got in with Ella and close the door.

"hey what is going on?"

"I miss Kendall."

"get back with him."

"I can’t."

"why not?"

"I’m too afraid to tell and very afraid to get hurt again." I said and Carlos get in the room

"what’s wrong Shania?"

"later Carlos, why did you fall in love again?"

"I just explained this once ok."

"wait a minute." Ella said an take her phone out

"what are you doing?"

"record it. Ok ready."

"ok, I go to his room, when I want to open his door I heard he plays guitar and sing ‘I and you both’ and at the end he said "I love you Shania." Then he got out the door and look at me and then he ask me what’s wrong, I tell him that you and the other are waiting for him, he asked me where is Carlos room, I told him and then he said thank you and then kissed my cheek and I’m melting, I miss kissing his soft lips, I miss holding his hand, I miss him so much, when I want to call his name I’m too late he already in the room. Then I go to Carlos room to call you because I can’t stand it I must to tell you about all this. I knock the door then he open it and look at me straight to my eyes and I did the same too, I’m melting again, then I close my eyes and opened it again then I got in and call you, then I got out the room and go here and tell you anything, I just did it, do you understand." I said it fast then I breathed hard

"whoa.. whoa.. slow down." (Ella)

"I miss him so much."

"he miss you too." (Carlos)

"what should I do?"

"tell him." (Ella)

"no he’ll hate me."

"no he don’t." (Carlos)

"how did you know."

"because he always thinking about you, he tell me everything." (Carlos)

"but I don’t know, it’ll be so awkward."

"no it’s not." (Ella)

"yes it’ll be. I don’t know what gonna happen."

"but you must said it to him. Tell about your feelings." (Carlos)

"you’re right but I don’t know how to tell him."

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Where stories live. Discover now