Chapter 7

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I’m so tired for today, beach then clean the house so fast, thank god they’re helping me. Now, my house was so clean. I’m so happy, not gonna hear my mom’s mouth exploded. We’re now on our bed ready go to sleep. I slid under the sheets and rest my head on Kendall’s chest and his hand on my back and he kissed my forehead and said "goodnight." And I replied him "night." I said and soon I fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning and look at the watch and it say’s 8 am. I got down the bed slowly not wanting Kendall to woke up. Then a hand pulled my wrist and I fall back to the bed and on Kendall’s chest and he is laughing now.

"Kendall?!" I said a little giggled but a little mad and got up again

"don’t leave me."

"I’m not leaving you."

"yes you do, you leave me alone in bed."

"I must to get ready and get mom and dad and the others here."

"ok." He said and I got in my bathroom and take a bath and dressed up and got out the bathroom. Kendall was laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, I smiled and walk to him and laid next to him and still smiling

"what are you looking at? It just a blank ceiling."

"I’m looking at you." He said and I confused so I turn my head to face him that already looking at me

"I love you." He said and lean in and kissed me.

"love you more." I said and got up.

"I’ll be downstairs."

"I’ll be in the bathroom." He said and got up and to the bathroom, I got downstairs and to the kitchen and start to cook bacon and egg, many more than usual. I done cooking when the other was downstairs, they got here and say good morning to me and eat the breakfast, then Kendall got down and kissed my cheek.

"here, take this, it’s yours."

"thanks." He said and get his plate and to the dining room and eat it. I go there and eat mine. After we eat it was 9 am, and my mom will be arrive at 10 and the way to the airport was 1 hour or less or more. I took my car key

"guys I’ll go to the airport."

"wait! You think one car is enough?" (Kendall)

"yes, wait no."

"I’ll go with you." (Kendall)

"ok." I said and we got out and he go to his car and I go to mine. I started the car and drove away to the airport with Kendall following from behind. After 1 hour ride we’re arrived at the airport and we parked our car and got down and to the airport hand in hand, well there is so much paparazzi so the police or anything it was walk beside, and in front of us and the back of us. We finally got in the lobby and we thanked them and I spotted my family. I took Kendall’s hand and walk to them

"mom!" I said and hug her

"hey Shania, how are you?" (mom)

"I’m great, what about you guys?" (me)

"we’re totally great." My dad said

"dad! I miss you!" I said and hug him

"hey Shania!" Oniel and Chris said

"hey you guys. And hello little fella!" (me)

"we miss you cece." My brothers said and hug me, and now they’re 10 and 8. I let go the hug and stood next to Kendall

"you still remember him right?" (me)

"absolutely. How are you Kendall?" (Mom)

"Kendall! My daughter soul mate." (Dad)

All Over Again (Sequel to INVISIBLE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon