Chapter 5

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Logan’s P.O.V.

Now I’m in the airport, and holding a paper wrote ‘Zefanya’ I can’t wait to see her, and now it’s 5.20 pm where is she? Then a girl come to me, she’s hot, pretty. Wow. I think my jaw just dropped to the floor.


"hi, and you’re?"

"I’m Zefanya, and why are you holding a paper that have my name?"

"I’m here to take you to Shania’s house."

"ok then let’s go." She said and take her bag and I help her with her bag, and then get all of it in my car trunk. Then we get in my car and drove away to Shania’s house.

Zefanya’s P.O.V.

I take my phone out my pocket and start to text Shania

Z: Shania, why don’t you tell me that Logan is gonna get me to your house?

S: it’s a welcome surprise. I know you like him and I give him a one of your picture and he said you’re hot."

Z: which picture?

S: wake up picture.

Z: what?

S: no, just kidding.

Z: I’m in my way to you house and thanks.

S: no problem, and I make you your favorite food. Spaghetti, right?

Z: thank you so much, I miss your spaghetti.

S: ok, see you in a few.

Z: k, k, see you.

"who’s that?"

"oh.. umm.. it’s Shania. She said she’ll cook my favorite food."

"great. Because we’re here." He said and we’re arrived at a huge house

"is this really Shania’s house?" I asked him not so sure if this is her house

"yes it is, get in there so you’ll know is this real or not."

"ok." I said and we got out from his car and I took my bag in his trunk and got in to the huge house. Logan opened the door and we got in, then Shania got out from a room,

"Zefanya, hi, how are you?"

"I’m great and I still can’t believe this big house is yours."

"you’ll get used to it, come here I’ll show you your room." She said and take my bag and bring me to one of the room, she opened the door and get my bags in it, and I look around wow it’s so big, the wall is white, black and red. That’s my favorite color.

"this is your room, go get ready, the spaghetti will be cold."

"ok, I can’t wait, see you in the kitchen."

"ok." I said and she got out the room and let me in there alone. Then I started to get my things set up in the closet and somewhere else. After a few minutes, I already took a bath and then I got down stairs and to the kitchen, I passed the living room and there is, James, Carlos, Logan staring at me, Alexa, and Ella. I just smile at Logan, and he smiled back at me. Weird… then I go to the kitchen and there is Shania and Kendall, they’re arguing about something.

"excuse me?"

"oh hey Zefanya."

"Zefanya how are you?"

"I’m fine."

"Kendall, can you call the others? The food is ready."

"ok, babe. Be right back." He said and go out side

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