Curiosity Must Be Sated

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You're at a convention meeting Mark for the first time. Your best friend decided to surprise you for your 20th birthday and got passes for the con. She knew you wanted to meet Mark and Jack so bad......but mostly Mark. He was your hero after all. You stood in line holding your letter and painting to give him. You were a bit nervous but how could you not be? You were meeting someone who has made such an impact on your life, someone who made you smile and laugh on your worst days. You'd been looking forward to this day for a long time now. As you spaced away in your thoughts, you heard screaming. You looked up to see Mark along with Sean, Bob and Wade. You smile and as Mark looked over the crowd, his eyes met yours. He smiled then it slowly turned into a smirk. He blinked and his eyes turned black. You couldn't look away, you were entranced. You then hear his voice in your head.....but it didn't sound quite like him. " not as he appears." You then slowly fade back to reality as you feel your friend shaking your arm. "(Y/N), hey you ok?" You blinked your eyes a few times, "What? Yeah.....yeah, I'm fine." She didn't look convinced, "Are you sure? You seem....distant." You smile, "Yeah, I'm ok promise. Just.....shocked that I'm here, meeting them." She giggled, "I know the feeling." You finally got up to the tables. You talked to Bob, Wade and Sean and took your was Mark. He seemed normal when you approached him. It must've been your imagination running wild. You gave him your painting and letter then took your pictures. As you walked away from the table, you look back at him. He waves so you wave back. "I must be going crazy then", you thought to yourself. 

Hours later, when it's time to leave the hear the voice again. "Meet me back here." You knew exactly what that meant. You knew it probably wasn't smart but in that didn't give a fuck. Curiosity was getting the better of you. You looked over at your friend, "I'll meet you back at the hotel, ok?" You ran off before your friend could answer you. You made it back to where you met him but there was no one there. You then felt a presence behind you, grabbing you. "I knew you'd couldn't resist." "Mark?"  "Even after hearing me in your mind to come think it's him?" " it was you earlier who I saw. I wasn't going crazy." He chuckled, "Well, if you told anyone would be." He had a point there, no one would believe me if I said a dark persona fans made up for Markiplier is real. "......why me?"  He leaned forward, smelling your hair then your neck. "Because I want you......does it have to be so complicated?" You shook your head. "I didn't think so." He ran his hands down your body and stopped at your hips. Your breath staggered, "What are you gonna do?" You could feel the smirk on your neck, "Whatever I want." Why did none of this scare you? Any normal person would've run......but there was something holding you here. It's like you couldn't decide no. "Here?" He then stopped, "No, I suppose not. After all......I only want to hear your screams."  He grabbed your hand and led you to his car.

As you entered his home, he had never let go of your he doesn't trust you enough to let go. The more you thought of it, the more this felt......wrong. "Listen, Dark. I think I should just go. I just.....don't feel good about it."  "And that's suppose to what? Get me to sympathize and forget this happened?" He chuckled, "Oh no, you're mine now and there's nothing you can do about it."  You tried pulling away from him, "Let me go!" He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You were helpless, you tried screaming. He threw you on his bed and covered your mouth. "Try that again.......and it'll be your last breath."  You still tried struggling but there was no point, he was so much stronger then you. "You wanted this, remember that. I didn't force you to I'm only giving you what you want."  Sadly, he was right... "So you should just give in......makes it so much easier." As he stared into your eyes,  you felt all your strength leave your body. All thoughts of resistance left your were solely his in this moment. He smirked, "So what is it you want now?" Your hands traced up his body to his neck, "I want you, Dark."  You pulled him towards you and kissed him. He grabbed your hands and placed them above your head. "Oh no, baby......", he leaned forward close to your ear and whispered, "I'm the one in control."

I hope you guys enjoy this, please let me know below. Would mean a lot to me :D

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