Initiation pt.1

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The Creed of a Huntsman

Marcus, Ballroom

"Wake up lazy bum!"

'Why cruel world?' Marcus thought as he attempted to get up, but was brought down by Yang. He tried to pry her from his arm, but to no avail. Then he noticed how some of the guys were looking at him, wishing they could be in his position.

"Goldielocks, wake your lazy butt up" he shook her. "C'mon Yang, don't do this now" he shook her again. He smirked, "Man, I wonder if my breath smells like mint, if only someone could help" And with that, her eyes shot open.

"I can help with that" she smirked as her hand landed on his.

"Good morning to you too Yang" he said. Seeing the disappointment in her eyes, he added, "Try again next time". He got up and began to stretch his back, hearing a few pops here and there. "Let's go get breakfast. Can't fight creatures of darkness on an empty stomach" he said as they both went to the cafeteria.

Line Break

Marcus was now in the locker room of Beacon, after finishing his breakfast and did his morning routine, he headed straight for said location. He was checking his M4, when the same couple that awoke him earlier passed by, despite the orange haired girl saying they weren't, "Together together", whatever that meant.

"Wonder what those two were so worked up about?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, who knows... so! You seem awfully chipper this morning." Yang stated, with Marcus agreeing with her.

"Yep! No more small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff. I get to let my sweetheart do the talking" Ruby responded cheerfully, cradling her weapon as if it were a child or something. Man, she could really have her weird moments.

"Ruby, you have to remember, all of us are going through initiation. Eventually, you have to grow up, meet new people and learn to work with them" Marcus responded, with Yang nodding her head.

"Ugh, you sound like dad! Okay, first of all, what does meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!" she stated, which Marcus had to hold back his laughter by putting on his serious face.

"But what about when we form teams?" Yang asked. He had to agree with her there.

"I don't know... I'll just be on you guy's team or something..." Ruby trailed off.

"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang inquired.

"If it happens, it happens Ruby" Marcus said.

"My dearest sister and friend Marcus and Yang, are BOTH of you implying that you do NOT wish to be on the same team as me?" she demanded. Oh crap.

"W-what? No, no ,no! Of course we do! It's just that... I thought that it would help you break out of your shell!" Yang responded.

"What the?! I don't need to break out of my shell! That's absolutely-"

"-Ridiculous!" Jaune finished for her."There's no way no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday, I would've remembered having to count that high! Ugh why does this have to happen today?" Jaune groaned.

Marcus was finished inspecting his rifle and inserted it into its holster on his back, along with his sword. He had pretty much everything he needed; Hidden Blades, Ninjato, pistols, M4A1, and rope darts. He noticed that Weiss girl speaking with a red haired girl who looked very similar to a Spartan. That's when Jaune went in to flirt with Ice Quee, in which he overheard the red haired girl's name: Pyrrha Nikos. He'd look into it later. But for now he had to worry about the road ahead. He watched as he continued to flirt with Weiss, in which she asked Pyrrha for help. And she did... by spearing his hoodie to a locker. The intercom then buzzed and Glynda called all first year students to Beacon Cliff. Marcus and his friends began walking towards the exit, but not before helping Jaune.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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