Chapter 2 - At The Awards

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WARNING: gets a bit heated towards the end...

Dan and Phil arrived at the Grosvenor Hotel and, after stopping at the photographers at the entrance to have some photos taken, quickly found their friends from radio 1. They chatted and laughed and had a few drinks with the group consisting of Nick, Finchy, Scott, Chris and LMC. Phil found himself feeling slightly awkward because of Laura's painfully obvious attempts at flirting with him, but he managed to elegantly brush it off or politely ignore her comments. About half an hour later it seemed that everyone was taking their seats so the radio 1 group moved through into the large room before splitting to find their own tables and some brief mumbles of good luck were uttered by a few of them. Dan followed Phil as he weaved through the large dark room, the nervousness having swapped between the pair, to the tablemarked 'Sony Golden Headphones' where they awkwardly introduced themselves to the other presenters in the category. "Yeah. Great idea" Dan thought sarcastically really not looking forward to a night full of awkward exchanges with these people. That reminded Dan of how lucky he was to have Phil with him as a bit of comfort, and social protection as well he supposed, and he wished he could show Phil how grateful he was to have him.

Phil desperately wanted to pull out the chair for Dan and treat him like a proper date but he that it would cause too much suspicion from the other guests and the possibility of awkward questions and looks. Despite the mutual understanding, without anything even needing to be said, Phil still shot an apologetic look at Dan quickly who responded with a smile, using all his will power to not take Phil's cheeks in his hands and give him a little kiss for being so cute.

Once the ceremony had started and the hosts had said their opening speech they announced the first award to be presented: their award. Dan felt Phil tense up next to him and slipped his right hand into Phil's under the table instinctively in an attempt to comfort them both. 

As soon as Caroline called their names as winners everything in Phil's brain became a blur. Dan jumped up beside him as Phil watched in slow motion. Dan pulled Phil up by the shoulders when he remained seated and dragged him on stage by the sleeve. All Phil was aware of was his boyfriend's hand and an overwhelming desire to pin Dan against the floor and kiss him. Phil was brought back to reality quickly by the sound of Dan's voice rambling on about who they were when he chipped in saying he'd sat on his headphones earlier. Dan tried so hard to suppress his smile as Phil spoke, noting how cute he was when he was nervous and briefly remembering how he had been when they first met in Manchester all that time ago, and he had to resist the urge to kiss him right there in front of everyone. Dan realised at that moment that none of this would have happened if it wasnt for Phil and he wished he could prove to Phil how much he loved him for that but he already knew there weren't enough words in any language to express the love he felt for the boy standing next to him.

As the pair made their way off stage Dan pulled Phil into a hug, no longer able to resist his best friend any longer. The hug was brief but love filled and they were escorted through a door with Caroline to a press area where they had a few photos taken and then their award was taken for safe keeping and they were pointed down an empty corridor to make their way back to their seats.

They walked silently for a bit before Dan burst into laughter managing to say "What the fuck just happened?" between breaths. Phil, still in shock, laughed a little too but interrupted Dan's slight hysteria with his lips. Phil walked the taller boy back to gently press him against the wall and Dan snaked his arms around the shorter boy. They stood in each other's arms for a good minute, their lips moving in time slowly and passionately, slotting together perfectly like two pieces of a jigsaw. Made for each other. Phil quickly broke away when he thought he heard someone coming down the corridor, it turned out to be nothing but he figured they should get back before it looked suspicious. Dan caught on to Phil's thoughts, quickly placed one last kiss against Phil's lips and took his hand as they continued along the corridor.

Nick had warned them that the Sonys was a notoriously long and boring awards show but when it was an hour later and they were still only on award number sixteen Dan was thoroughly bored and more often than not bored Dan meant mischievous and slightly horny Dan. Nick had also suggested they should find something to occupy themselves with and luckily for Dan he had Phil for that. Phil in a suit.

Dan quickly scanned around the closest tables checking that no one was paying attention to them and once he was satisfied that he was unlikely to be spotted he slyly moved his hand under the table and onto his partner's knee rubbing small circles with his thumb. Dan noticed Phil raise an eyebrow slightly but he kept his eyes forward on the stage. Dan slowly walked his fingers up Phil's thigh stroking backwards a little with the tip of his fingers as he moved up. Once he was about halfway up Phil realised what Dan was doing and tried to bat his hand away unsuccessfully. Once Dan had reached the top of Phil's leg he moved his hand further over to stroke the inside of Phil's thighs, tracing his fingers in patterns across both of his boyfriend's trembling thighs. Phil was trying to ignore Dan and not enjoy what he was doing. "Dan!" he hissed at him, moving his hand into his lap again to pull Dan's hand off his leg. As Dan started reaching across again with a smirk Phil grabbed his wrist tightly and growled "Stop!" at him trying to ignore how hot the brunette looked and the slight throbbing between his legs. When he realised that Dan wasn't going to do as he was told Phil tried to inch his chair away from Dan so that he was out of reach but Dan just pulled Phil back and moved his own chair closer. It was like one step forward and two steps back for Phil, he couldn't win. And just when Phil thought Dan couldn't make it any worse for him Dan went straight to his dick palming Phil's throbbing semi through his suit trousers forcing Phil to bite down on his lip so hard he nearly drew blood to stifle the moan rising in his throat. Once Phil managed to gain some control he managed to lean over to Dan's ear and shakily whisper "P... P... Please..." he gasped in another breath as Dan ground his palm harder into Phil's crotch "D... D... Ple... St... Sto..." Dan's hand was torturing Phil to the point that he couldn't even form any words to plead with him to stop. The younger boy saw the sheer concentration on his boyfriend's face and pain in his eyes. Pleased, and slightly guilty, with how worked up Phil was Dan figured he should stop in case Phil actually did lose it. Dan leaned over to Phil's ear and whispered huskily making sure Phil felt his hot breath against his ear and down his neck (he wasn't going to let Phil off that easily) "We'll finish this later baby." Giving the shivering boy one last gentle squeeze and patting his thigh before taking his hand back. Phil nodded vigorously and whimpered a little at the sudden loss of contact but was glad for the relief and relaxed slightly realising there were probably enough awards left for him to deal with the bulge in his trousers before he would have to move and anyone could notice.

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