Chapter 3 - Nick's Apartment

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A/N: ((This is the fic that was formerly called "celebrating" but I thought "Couldn't Have Done It Without You" sounded 234075 times better...))

This is the final part!!! unless someone tells me they want more then I might do one more part...

Warning: freaking 80% smut 20% shitty plot attempt... (((sorry))) also there's some grincham in there because, lets face it, who doesn't ship it ;)


Dan had somehow managed to get lost on his way to Nick's apartment for his 'after party', he claimed it was due to the navigation app he was using, or attempting to, but Phil knew perfectly well it was because they were both pretty much completely pissed already and even though Dan was in a worse state than Phil he still insisted on leading them there.

After Dan found himself completely lost down a random back street Phil forcefully removed Dan's phone from his hands and managed to workout the way to the apartment block himself. They rung Nick's bell a few times but after about 5 minutes of getting no reply Dan was cold and fed up so snatched his phone back and bashed out a text to the host aiming to write: 'We are crying outside your house!' Soon after they heard Nick laughing over the intercom, "Dan how drunk are you, or do you just suck at typing?" The pair laughed back; maybe he hadn't quite hit all the right keys. "Fifth floor, idiots!" Nick finished and the door clicked open.

They stumbled through the entrance, still giggling, as they crossed the foyer to the lifts. Dan attempted to press the button and missed twice before Phil slammed it for him, shaking his head with a slight smirk at how drunk his boyfriend was. The shorter boy walked in as the doors opened and hit the '5' button but Dan tripped as he stepped into the lift behind him. Phil grabbed him by the hips to stop him from falling flat on his face and pulled him close once he was steady, laughing, "You're a fuckin' idiot," before dipping his head to press their lips together. Phil could feel Dan smile into the kiss and did the same as he sucked the younger boy's bottom lip through his teeth gently, letting it ping back in time with the doors opening. Dan pulled back and rested his forehead against Phil's. They stood for a few seconds, giggling a little at each other again before following the sound of music to Nick's door.

Nick greeted them each with a tight hug, congratulated them for winning and pointed them through to the lounge. Dan took a seat next to Caroline Flack on the couch and Phil sat on his other side as they said hi to everyone else.

Nick appeared soon after and lobbed a bottle of beer at each of them laughing, "Not that I think you need any more Dan!"

Phil found a bottle opener on the table next to him and popped open his beer and then reached for the bottle between Dan's legs "accidentally" brushing the top of his thigh. The brunette flinched at the contact but tried to act like nothing happened and not remind himself of Phil's earlier frustration at the same treatment.

"Well I don't have to worry about being hungover tomorrow so..." he laughed, taking his bottle back from Phil and lifting it to his lips, "Fuck it." He finished and took a mouthful from the bottle.

Phil snorted and told a slightly exaggerated story of Dan and the lift which earned a small laugh from everyone in the room. Of course he left out the part 'and we snogged the whole way up here.' Nick and Matt knew they were together after they had walked in on them making out in a dressing room at the Edinburgh festival and when they had tried to explain later Nick just blurted out that he and Matt were together as well so all four had agreed to keep each other's secret.

The pair had been in the living room for a few hours chatting with various people, drinking and participating in Nick's vines and by midnight most people were completely drunk and pretty much everyone was spread throughout the apartment with a few people dancing in the living room. Dan and Phil were among the few ones just sitting watching the others.

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