Forever [Hijack / Frostcup]

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CHAPTER 1 - Trouble

Jack's POV

This time Jack at least wasn't stuck in a bag and thrown through a magic portal. No, he noticed the northern lights long before that. The for his view bright purple sky was right above him as he stood there on the highest point in Paris, the Eiffel Tower. It was the November 3, 2016 and it was, of course, a snow day. He quickly understood what was going on - No one other than North activated those lights, and that only happened when the world of kids was in danger.

"Wind, take me to North!" Jack shouted up, and as told the wind quickly started to take him away, and he flew thousands of metres over any other thing. Even the wind seemed to notice the change, the threat, and it took him there faster than he had expected. Barely an hour had gone from the first sight to where he stood now, outside the big gates of the huge snow palace that was North's. Before he even had shouted for someone to open the door, it swung open and revealed thousands of elfs and hundreds of yetis, all working for the upcoming Christmas. Or, at least the yetis worked - You never knew what the elfs was doing.

Jack walked up to North in front of the huge globe. It wasn't long from the huge gates where he had entered, the only thing he needed to do was to take the lift up one floor, and he soon found himself in a hug from the huge North, or as other may call him, Santa Claus.

"Well North, what is it now?" Jack asked then North at last let him go.

"I will tell when the others are here. Cookies?" His words confirmed that he was the first one here, and Jack started wondering when they now would come. He took a cookie with a smile and then jumped to the side and sat down next to his usual window - During the time he had been a guardian, he had came to visit quite many times, not just to help and look at the business that was going on but also to chat with North.

The other three guardians dropped all in within the next hour, and when Bunnymund finally arrived North took them all to the middle.

"What is it now, North? Is it Pitch again?" Tooth said in a nervous tone. Sandman nicked to show that he wanted to ask that question too.

"Not Pitch, another. Yesterday my yetis got taken away by leprechauns, they acted like they were under a spell. Very evil spell, high magic. One of yetis escaped, the rest is still missing. He had heard them say 'Next up is elfs, next up is kids, next up is humans, next up is guardians'. Big trouble."

Jack shrugged and was about to ask a question, but Bunny said the same as he had planned just as he opened his mouth.

"Is it the High Witch?" The fear in his words was obvious. Everyone feared the High Witch, except maybe the moon. She wasn't on the guardian's side, but not against it either. For hundreds of years she had remained silent, a neutral part, but no one else than her would be able to make a whole lot of leprechauns evil - Leprechauns had always been very nice and wonderful, evil was the total opposite.

North nodded.

"Pohl said they going for Witch Palace. Bad stuff."

"But then what do we do?" Jack asked the same moment as he noticed the moon peaking through the high hole in the roof.

"Man in moon! Five years ago, is it? What is it now, problem?" North said clearly. The moon light, that before had covered most of the floor, concentrated on one spot in the middle of the floor and shrunk to just a small size.

"Wait, is that..?" Jack asked, quite shocked.

"Yes, new guardian is chosen," North said with wonder in his voice.

"Two in five years? You gotta be kidding me mate, another one?" Bunny said loudly. Not that he still wasn't fond of Jack - They had gotten quite good friends the last year - But it was still much. Only four guardians for over 400 years, and then two new in just five was much to take in.

The floor cracked up and the blue jewel rose up to head height. They all five looked closely with serious faces on it, and saw the white dim in it turn into a silhouette and behind him - A dragon.

"Wait, who have a dragon?" Bunny loudly said, making everyone wonder.

"Isn't that... Isn't that Hiccup and Toothless?" Jack said, which made everyone remember the young individual with his dragon. It really was Hiccup and Toothless. Old memories came up in Jack's mind, old stories and thoughts. He had once been a more than good friend with Hiccup, but they had trouble with feelings and couldn't coexist completely. One morning, after a fight, Hiccup just left. It was hurtful memories for Jack, and it would be hard to face him again after 150 years, but he had already decided.

"I will go get him"


Well, here I am with a new story! I will try to update this one at least once a week.

Each chapter will change the POV, so next chapter will be completely seen from Hiccup's POV.

I did a brief explanation of everyone's roles and so, if someone that haven't seen Rise of the Guardians or How to train your Dragon. If you have not seen them, I recommend you to! They are awesome.

Well, all for me then. Vote, comment and follow, and I will then see ya when the next chapter comes out!

Forever [Hijack / Frostcup]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant