Chapter 2 - After 150 years

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Hiccup's POV

"Haha, Toothless, you can come here now!" Hiccup shouted as for the 452 win in hide and seek came up to him - Toothless had a habit of hiding in only one place, the same place, every time. It was pretty boring to always just tell where he was and then let him count, but Toothless loved it nevertheless so he stood out.
"Dawn is coming now, Toothless. Shouldn't we go home now again and continue tomorrow? I'm getting kinda tired", Hiccup said cooly. Toothless seemed slightly down, but he was understanding.
"Yes, really, it's time to go home, because I'm here now", an oh so familiar voice was heard from behind him. Hiccup turned as fast as he could, but what also resulted in his iron leg twisting and he falling. It made the new come person spring down and catch Hiccup as he was just a couple of centimetres over the snowy ground as of his old village.
"Hello, long time no see", said Jack.
"What in the heavens are you doing here?" The words spit out of his mouth before he could stop it.
Jack looked down at him, and that grin he had loved so much was plastered on his face.
"Business. Let us go inside, and I will tell you about it."

After making two cups of tea, and giving Toothless his night portion of meat, they finally was set down by the kitchen table in Hiccup's cabin.
"So, tell me - Why are you here?"
"Straight to the point as usual, I see", Jack said with his usual grin plastered on his face. "Okay, where to begin... hm, I think it all started with the High Witch ambushing North's yetis with enchanted leprechauns, yes that should be the beginning."
"Wait - What? Wasn't the High Witch neutral, or am I wrong?" Hiccup let down a silent gulp as he finished the sentence.
"Indeed she was, but it seems like she isn't that neutral nowadays, aye?"
"But, wait now, how am I involved in this? I don't have any connections to the High Witch or any of you on that point"
"Ehm, how should I explain this... Okay, here we go - Jack took a big breath and finished the sentence in the quickest way of talking he mastered "- North called on us guardians and told us the story and then the Man in the Moon came and picked a new guardian and that guardians is you"
Jack let out a big breath as Hiccup took in his words, the worry showing clearly on his face.
"So, I'm chosen to be a guardian?" Hiccup said after a short silence. He hadn't quite picked up everything yet, his thoughts mostly about Jack - After 150 years of silence, after 150 years of loneliness, Jack comes back and tells him this? that he was to guard all the children and probably fight against the High Witch?
"Yep, that's about what it's all about", Jack finally said.
"Well then, I guess I have to follow you to North's?" Hiccup calmly said and rose from the table with his cup of tea in hand. He then gulped it all down and called up on Toothless, who appeared with a loud bang to the kitchen room.
"Did you hear what he said, dear?" Toothless nodded. "Then you know what it's all about."
Hiccup walked outside with Toothless, leaving a shocked Jack inside - He hadn't suspected it to be so easy.
With a last look on Jack, Hiccup climbed on Toothless and flew away with directions to the North Pole.

Jack's POV

Jack sat still a good while after Hiccup had left - He was baffled, but also sad and scared - Or well, scared wasn't enough. He was terrified, for something to hurt Hiccup. Sure, 150 years before he had been the one to leave Hiccup as he was, on this same island, almost the same spot, after that awful fight. But that didn't mean that he had forgotten about all these feelings he had had for Hiccup, and they were still in him even though he had fought with suppressing them. And now, all with his first glance on Hiccup, they were all back and released. They confused him, yes indeed they did, but he knew what it in reality was all about - He was scared of what Hiccup thought - Did Hiccup still feel the same as he did 150 years ago? And if he didn't, what would happen next?


I know, I know, last update was in May - But well, better late than never, isn't that what people say?
Also, it's pretty short compared to the first chapter, but I wrote it all together just today to get it out on net, so ya.

Well, there isn't much to say really, so I will leave you be and such, I will update it as soon as I've written the next chapter c:
Bye, and thanks for all reads,

Forever [Hijack / Frostcup]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя