College is out of the question

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When I got home from school, sure enough, my ma was in my face, hollering and screaming about how I don't need to be looking at colleges and how I need to be in the kitchen learning how to cook. Yadda yadda yadda. I could not even get in the house good without her yelling at me. This is an everyday thing, you would think I would be used to it by now. But, I am not. After school, I don't want to hear any kind of nagging, I just want to be able to sit down and enjoy the silence or do my homework. It never works out like that. 

  But, as soon as she was finished barking orders, I headed right up to my room, closed my door, and took out all of the college pamphlets I had collected from the college rounds. If I do well in school, like I am already doing, I could get into the college of my dreams; whichever it is.

I haven't really thought about what I wanted to be when I got older, but I knew I wanted out of this place and out of this old fashion world. Reading the third pamphlet about a cosmetology college, my ma calls me downstairs. I look at the clock; 5:50 pm. Time to make dinner for father and my brothers. I throw the pamphlets on my bed and scoot off and make my way downstairs.

Making it there, I find my ma and pa sitting on the sofa with none other than Fiacre Ellison and his parents sitting on the sofa. Dinner isn't cooking. I inch down the last steps and walk into the living room. All eyes are on me as my ma motions for me to sit by her.

"What is going on here?" I ask wanting to break the silence that hung in the air.

My ma turns to me and grabs my hands. "Sweetie, the Ellisons have a great offer for the family."

Pa grumbles, "Just tell the girl."

Ma sighs, "Due to your father's pay being cut at his job, we can no longer afford you and your brothers. So, we have been searching for someone to take you in."

The shock registers on my face as I look from my ma to my pa. "What are you guys saying? You are adopting me off or something?"

"No, Cambria. We have arranged a marriage between you and Fiacre." My pa blurts out highly irritated at my ma for trying to sugar coat things.

"ARRANGED MARRIAGE!?" I jump up. "That is completely absurd. Why can't I just get a job and help out?"

"No." My ma jumps up and gets in my face. "You are a young lady and we women allow our men to take care of us and since I and your father can't do that. The Ellisons have offered Fiacre."

This isn't making any sense to me, so I know it's not making any sense you guys either. But, from my understanding: pa's job no longer pays him what he is used to getting which causes my parents to have to put one of their children out....wait....what? No.

"Why can't you marry off one of my brothers?" I yell.

"They are too busy getting into colleges. I want you to know that this is the best option we have for you. Fiacre comes from a great background and he is a nice boy." My ma tries to convince me.

I am not buying into it. I stare into my ma's eyes, "How long have you guys been planning this? Because I know this did not just come up out of the blue."

My pa stands up and places his hands on my shoulders. "Cambria, we love you dearly. We want the best for you. Your brothers are looking at colleges and trying to work..."

I shrug him off me, tears filling my eyes. "Fine. If this is a way to make me fall in line with the 1950's ways, then so be it." I rush outside.

Book 1: Without WillWhere stories live. Discover now