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The rest of the wedding went awesomely well. I met a lot of Fiacre's family members and a lot of mine that I didn't even know. It was weird being nice to complete strangers that are your family members at the same time. They all kept asking me 'do you remember me'. I didn't remember any of them folks, but I was nice and smile and hugged them. Almond was a stick in the mud, though.

 She just kept drinking, I think at one point she got angry because Fiacre told the bartender to not serve her any more drinks. I was thinking since she is underage that she should not have been drinking in the first place. But, no one said anything to her until she got sloppy drunk and started knocking over things and making a huge scene about me not wanting to get married in the first place and about how she wanted to be married before me. She was crying and screaming, Jerry Lee and Rueben had to drag her out of there and take her home.

Since, I and Fiacre didn't have a place of our own at the moment, Fiacre thought it would be a great idea to go on our honeymoon. I am sure that was not all his idea. I know it had something to do with my pa and his pa talking about building a house or looking for a house for me and Fiacre. But, I agreed with the idea. I have always wanted to get out of the little town I live in and see the world around me and find out all sorts of new things and places. And this was my time to do that.

I am lightly shaken by Fiacre when we landed on the ground and the pilot announced that we are now in beautiful Hawaii. I open my eyes and look out the window then at the people lining up to get off the plane. I and Fiacre stand and get in the line. The plane ride was bumpy and Fiacre gave me something to calm my nerves. Obviously, it knocked me out.

We get off the plane and file into the airport to pick up our luggage. Once we got it, we flag down a cab or whatever and make it to Hale 'Nalo Beach Rentals. We pick up the keys and walk along the beach to find our house.

Once we find it, we huff and place our things on the floor and fall out on the sofa. It is a beautiful cabin with a master bedroom and bathroom, a guest room, a huge kitchen, another bathroom, a nice living room, and a beautiful view of the ocean.

I look out at the ocean and stare. This is wonderful. If this is how marriage is going to be, then I can get use to this. But, after watching so many shows where the marriages never last, has me very worried that I won't be able to fulfill my duties as a wife. I laugh at myself silently; Fulfill my duties as a wife. It scared me a little because for a minute there I was sounding like my ma. I didn't want to do that.

I jump when Fiacre circles his arms around me and he too stares at the beautiful ocean. "I want to make you happy, Cambria." He whispers to me.

"Is that right?" I ask him.

He turns me around, my back pressing gently on the bar. "Yes, it is. I mean, I know you don't know much about me and I don't know you at all. But, I know we can make this work, if we can meet each other half way and compromise on the things we don't agree on."

I am surprised that he is taking a mature approach to this. One of us has to and I am glad he is. He is assuming the role as the leader.

"I understand that. But, I don't know a thing about marriage either. Also," I break away from him and turn to continue to look at the ocean. "I am not the ordinary girl that you see around our parts. I know I was made for something bigger. Something other than being a man's servant for the rest of my life like my ma."

He looks at me. His strong blue eyes. I am a little fearful to look back at him, so I keep my eyes on the ocean. Watching the waves crash into each other and the sound made this place all the more magical and surreal.

"Cambria," his voice is now strong, causing me to look his way. "I don't want you to ever get rid of your dream of being in college and doing something with yourself. I would never take that from you. I am not that kind of guy, and I know you don't know that about me. So," He turns me back to the ocean and nuzzles my neck with his lips. It tickles a little, but it is quite soothing at the same time. I smile a little and close my eyes. "I want us to take this time that we have together on this island to get to know each other. Every little thing. Likes, dislikes, turn ons, turn offs, flaws, quirks, fears, dreams, desires. Everything. I want us to take this time and enjoy each other."

I sigh and smile a little bigger. "Okay, Fiacre. I can do that."


Book 1: Without Willحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن