Rivalry of tragedy

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We all have tragedies,

We all have our own marsh of mess,

Surrounded by the vixen disappointment,

Or the falling apart of true reason.

Emotional, Social, Physical, Financial.

The varied needs of milieu,

But, I don't really understand,

How one is bigger than the other.

We say, we understand,

But do we?

We say, we have deeper marshes,

But do we extrapolate where we stand on the scale?

If ours is worse,

There are many others,

Figuring ways out of,

More than worse.

So who gives us right,

To define the intensity,

Of what our fellow residents of the mother,

Go through.

We don't know them.


They are going through much more,

Than what their existences can bear.

It is not about intensities,

Or competition of tragedies,

Which I often tend to see around,

In every l

It is about acceptance,

And empathy

That whatever we face,

We need to understand,

If not feel the paths,

Of others,

Beyond faces of rivalry.

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