Chapter 9: Taser

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During school I had to decide whether to follow the janitor or get the taser and test it. I wanted to see the science teacher before she left for the day so I decided I should go there first. 

After school I went to the lab room. The teacher was still in there working on grading papers. No after-school students had arrived yet. How was I supposed to get the taser? I finally came up with a plan.

"Mrs?" I asked her as she looked up at me."Can I show you something?"

She began to walk towards me.

"Sure." She said with a curious smile once she was at my desk

I drew up a picture of what the nano-bots looked like on a piece of scratch paper.

"These are nano-bots." I explained. "I have a sample of water that is filled with them."

"Yuki, Where did you get that?" She asked.

I didn't answer.

"Sota told me this morning that you can shut them off by delivering an electric shock. Is that true?" I asked.

"Well yes, I could show you if you like?" She said growing intrested.

"That would be great." I smiled innocently.

I pulled the vial of water out of my hiding spot. While she fished through her desk drawer I set up the microscope. I placed the water in a dish, and slid it under the microscope. Then, prayed that she wouldn't ask me where I got them from again.

"Those are definitely nano-bots." She said looking up from the microscope.

She pulled the dish out from under the machine, turned the taser on, set the dish on the floor, and gave it a shock. I jumped back, I was definitely getting jumpy. She set the taser on the desk, to fiddle with the microscope.

"Oh that's cool." I said looking at the clock nervously. Her after school students began to pour in, and someone called her name. "My parents are here to pick me up, I really need to go." I said picking up the dish from off the floor and sticking it back under the microscope. The red light on the nano-bots was gone. She instructed the student to wait, and looked into the microscope after me.

"That's okay. I'll see you later then." She smiled looking up at me.

I gave a weak smile back. I began to collect my things along with the closed petri dishes of blood and water. She didn't even notice while I was gathering my books, that I gathered up her taser too. I walked as fast as I could down the halls. I placed the taser in my book-bag, now that I had it I knew it was the key to saving all the dancers under the spell of the nano-bots. I looked both ways down the hall and began my search for the janitor.

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