Chapter Eight

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For the first time in years, Kassidy ached for church to end. Their pastor – a middle aged man named Greg Smythe – was an excellent orator and told great stories, but Kassidy couldn't force herself to pay attention. All she could think about was seeing Levi after the sermon let out.

She'd worn her Sunday best – a robin's egg blue dress with cap sleeves and a matching pillbox hat. Pinewood Grove gave the church the respect it deserved and everyone made sure to dress properly for each week's service, even if most other people had started to slip across the country.

Her outfit was completed with a pair of little white gloves that she had to take off to work Addison's iPhone when it came time to record her best friend leading the hymns in church. Kassidy liked singing along, but she kept quiet to keep her hands still while she filmed Addison singing Again the Morn of Gladness in front of the worshippers.

Addison had a beautiful voice, and normally Kassidy let herself be washed away by the sound of her singing, but she found her thoughts trailing away. Instead of listening to Addison, she wanted to hear Levi singing the hymn in front of the church. Somehow she just knew his voice would lend itself perfectly to the inspirational songs, but he had refused to join her when she'd invited him.

He just doesn't want a crowd of people knowing he's here, she told herself while she filmed. It'll be easier for him to keep a low profile if he stays out of sight.

That much was true, but word was already getting around town. She'd heard his name mentioned a couple times as her family had entered church and there was no way it could be a coincidence. People were starting to hear that there was a celebrity in their small town and it was only going to spread more now that everyone was together.

At least she didn't hear her name connected with Levi's as the sermon finished and people moved to enjoy coffee and snacks in the church basement. Though she had never developed the taste for the stuff, Kassidy grabbed a cup and talked with her friends while their parents caught up over treats her parents had brought.

She had hoped her friends would act as a shield to protect her from having to talk with Paul again, but the moment he approached their little group, they backed away and left the two of them alone to talk.

"Kass, hey," Paul said as he strolled up to her. He was wearing a perfectly tailored navy suit and his light brown hair was gelled to perfection. He was a replica of his father, right down to his confident walk. The Larson's were one of the wealthiest families in town and when she and Paul had dated in high school, everyone made note of what a perfect pair they made.

Everyone save Kassidy herself.

Now they were side by side again, and worse, they had an audience. It wouldn't be long before rumors of their reconciliation began to float around the congregation.

"Hi Paul," Kassidy greeted him. "How's it going?"

"Very well, thank you," he said, his voice full of confidence and his eyes lingering on hers just a little too long.

His weren't the only eyes on her. Ever since they'd broken up, Kassidy had to deal with people advising her to give him another chance. They were some weird kind of celebrity couple in town and people just expected them to be together, even though it wasn't what she wanted. Now that they were talking to each other one on one, several sets of eyes were keeping close watch on them.

"Enjoying the nice weather?" she asked when he didn't ask her about how she was doing in return.

"It's good," he said. "We missed you up at the park yesterday. It would have been nice to get you out there. Little cold for swimming yet, but we had a good time."

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