Chapter Ten

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Out of all of the calls and messages that were constantly coming to his phone, there was only one that Levi was really hoping for. The rest were just noise while he waited for her to send him a message.

He'd given Kassidy his number, but hadn't thought to get hers while he was at it. It was for the best, he didn't want to push her too hard and if she came to him, then he could breathe a little easier knowing she wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see her.

He couldn't help himself, though. Every time he saw her, it was like seeing her for the very first time. That beautiful sundress she'd worn when they'd gotten ice cream and how it showed off her long legs, and that pretty blue dress she'd been wearing when she came out of the church. It made her hair look redder than it was normally and even more it made him want to kiss all the freckles on her cheeks.

Levi had never had a woman say no to him, not in the last six years, but when he'd gone to kiss her the first time, she'd denied him. There was no way he could fault her for it, she'd had good reason to say no to him and it only made it easier for him to decide he needed to stay in Pinewood Grove for a while to find out exactly what he wanted to do.

Even if his manager warned him the label may cause problems for him if he didn't get on a plane to Los Angeles as soon as physically possible.

Each blip of his phone had him jumping as if he were an uncertain teenager and he laughed at himself for it. Kassidy had inspired him to write again, though he didn't plan on telling her that. He'd already put a lot on her plate. Telling her she'd become his muse might send her running for good.

Finally, late Friday night, the text he'd been waiting for appeared. No other message mattered to him like hers did, and he quickly opened it.

"Hey," was all it said.

"Hey," he replied and then added, "What's up?"

Her next message took five minutes to appear, but he could see why. She'd written a novel.

"The spring carnival is tomorrow," her message read. "I know you want to keep a low profile while you're in town, but everyone kind of knows you're here already and it would probably be a lot of fun so I was wondering if you'd like to go with me. If not, I totally understand. Please let me know."

A low chuckle left Levi's lips as he read the message. Something about her run on sentence and insistence that he didn't need to say yes only made him want to go more and he sent back a quick, "I'd love to. What time should I pick you up? We can take the bike."

"Is ten okay?" she asked.

"Of course," was his reply, and then, "I'll see you then."

She didn't message him again, though he hoped she would. Levi thought about sending her another message, but he didn't want to come on too strong and scare her away. A girl like Kassidy was special, and the more time he spent with her, the more he realized that.


Normally Kassidy didn't care what she wore to the spring carnival. Most years it rained anyway, or was at least too muddy to wear anything nice, but for once the sun was out, the ground was dry, and she was going with Levi Thayne.

Even better, he was driving them there on his motorcycle.

When he'd made the suggestion about taking his bike, she almost told him not to worry about it. The fairgrounds were only a twenty minute walk away, but she decided against saying that. Going on the bike would be fun and it would give her an excuse to wrap her arms around him once more.

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