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   "Allen!!!" I called out running towards him.

   "Linds! How are you sweetie?" he said bringing me in for a hug.

   "I'm fine! On my way to Gillette to see the guys!!!" I said with a smile ear to ear. The guys were truly one of the few things that made me extremely happy. "speaking of the guys, are you still working with them on the show??"

   "Here and there. I just recently went to go watch them at the live punishment!" he said laughing. Allen worked with the Impractical Jokers as part of the tech crew and occasionally he posed as "Benjamin the Cat". We knew each other through theatre. He was like the big brother I never had.

   "That's awesome!!!" I said.

   "Yeah! Well I have to go, it was great seeing you! Hey mention my name when you see the guys," he said walking away after giving me another hug. He winked, got in his car and drove away.

   Jennifer and I sat down at a booth near a sunny window and ordered two big mugs of hot chocolate. 

   "So Lindsay," said Jenn, "I haven't talked to you in a while! Like I mean really talked."

   "I know! It's been awful!" Jennifer was one grade above me in school so she had gone away to college this year while I was finishing up my senior year. She goes to college in LA but she came back for the weekend to visit. 

   My dream was to be a surgeon. I was planning to go to pre med in Boston then moving to New Hampshire for medical school and then moving out to New York for my residency and the rest of my life. 

   "I have been doing theatre still," I said 

   "That's cool! Anything good?" she said.

   "Just auditioned for Heathers last week," I said "I really hope I get in, Veronica is like my dream role."

   "I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!" Jennifer said, "I am totally flying in to see it if you get Veronica which you obviously will I have no doubt, you're like incredible!"

   "Thanks Jenn! I love you!" I looked up, "Ooh! Our food is here!"

   The waiter brought over our food that was making saliva pour out of my mouth ever so vigorously. I had gotten the cinnamon roll french toast (A/N SERIOUSLY IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TO TS I SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND THIS OMFG ITS DELICIOUS) and Jennifer got some cheesy bacon omelet. 

   We finished up and got into the car and we talked about the game. First of all we were both huge football fans!!! We loved the Patriots so much!!! So we were so excited to see the game in general but aside from that, we were unbelievably not emotionally stable enough to come face to face with the people whom we love dearly on this earth more than anyone we know, the Tenderloins.

   She was so excited because the show was her favorite show, and it was mine as well but for a different reason. She loved the show for the reason most people do, because it is funny as hell. I loved the show because seeing Sal's face on screen made me internally melt. His smile made me weak at the knees. I have had a lot of boyfriends and I swear I have never felt as strongly for them as I do for Sal. I didn't know him personally but something about the way that I felt toward him felt like even though we don't know each other now, we were meant to meet and be together. And today we would meet.

   We pulled into Gillette and after 35 minutes, finally found a place to park. The game didn't start for another 3 hours so that gives us time to see the guys go shopping around Patriot's Place and then go grab something to eat quick if we ever digested our giant breakfast from the morning.

   The guys said that they would be tailgating so we just had to find them out of the many massive parking lots. After 20 minutes, we located a huge mass of people surrounding four guys! WE FOUND THEM OMFG! THERE THEY WERE! RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! Q, MURR, JOE, AND SAL!!!! We got in line ever so eagerly. It was a long line... and after 15 minutes of waiting I said to Jennifer,

   "Hey Jenn, I have to go to the bathroom."

   "There are porter potties right over there," she said.

   "Um... there is no way that I am peeing in that disgusting box of literal shit," I said with a scowl on my face.

   "Well we still have like an hour and 45 minutes before the game and the game is going to last a while and with all of the traffic it will take us like 2 hours to get out of here and at least 2 hours to get back home in traffic on the highway. Can you hold it?"

   "Ugh okay but this is not going to be pretty," I said walking towards the germ box of a bathroom.

   The sign said "occupied" so I had to wait. Finally the door unlocked and a man stepped out.

   I looked up and I was standing face to face with a pissed off Sal Vulcano.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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