7. Joe: A Drunk Mans Words Are A Sober Mans Thoughts

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Written by Charlotte

"(Y/N), am I wasted?" Joe questioned, sitting on the table with a bottle of beer in each hand

"Well in the past 3 hours you've had 5 beers and 7 shots, so I'd say yes." You chuckled at the sight of Joe on the table

"I really love you (Y/N)" Joe admitted smiling

"Really?" You tilted you head slightly

"Yeah, I've been meaning to tell you for a while but thought I'd make a fool of myself" You smiled relieved

"I love you too Joe but I didn't think you liked me" You said guiltily

Joe pulled you into a tight hug


"Yes my sweet" Joe smirked letting you go from the hug

"What if it's the alcohol talking" you said upset, you were completely sober and knew what you were saying, but Joe... Well he was WASTED

"Baby, you know what they say, a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts." You nodded

"But promise me something" Joe said seriously


"If I do forget this, please remind me"

"I won't let you forget." You kissed Joe's cheek and pulled him into a hug

When Joe fell asleep you climbed onto the table and fell asleep on his chest, never releasing from the hug.

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