15. Patrick: Theme Park Love (pt. 1)

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Written by Charlotte

*your 21st birthday*

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." Patrick sang softly as you woke up.

"Thank you" you smiled tiredly as you sat up and Patrick handed you a cup of tea.

"Happy 21st birthday" Patrick smiled sweetly

"21 AM I THAT OLD?!" You joked

"Well if you're old at 21 I must to ancient at 23" Patrick laughed

"I love you Patty."

"I love you too baby." Patrick said as he handed you a birthday bag and a bouquet of flowers.

"Aww thank you" you smiled putting down your tea and smelling the flowers, "they're lovely."

"Look inside the bag" Patrick urged

You put your hand in the bag and pulled out a Mickey and Minnie Mouse hat and a note.

The note read... "Yes!"

You knew exactly what it meant. You're favourite advert on TV was the one about Disneyland and being able to say "Yes!" to going there.

you leaped into Patrick's arms and kissed him tightly

"Thank you so much." You smiled widely

"No problem. But you need to go get showered, the taxi will be here in 1 hour to pick us up. Be ready." Patrick smiled

"Oh my God" you cheered leaping off the bed and heading to the bathroom to get showered.

This was gonna be the best birthday ever.

To be continued...

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