Guests and a Volcano?

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//: *is filling nails when phone buzzes* Oh what is it now... *checks phones* FINALLY!!!!

Dipper: *runs in the room* What is it sister dear? Did you finally come up with a plan that will insure our take over of the world!?!

//: No. *shows phone* However someone has finally asked me a question.

Dipper: It's about time... *chuckles* have fun and tell me how it goes.

//: Of course dear brother, of course~

Magic_Issie says: Can I be a guest? I dare Mabel Gleeful to jump into a Volcano.

//: Of course you can Issie. Come inside we always love having new... 'guests'... I might even allow you to appear on my stage every once and awhile if I feel generous.

However daring me to do things like jump into a volcano seems like your trying to have me offed... But of course you didn't mean it that way, *eyes glow blue* right dear~?

*clears throat*

However I'm quite surprised that's all you asked of me, it's quite a simple task really. Jumping into a volcano is child's play. WILL!

Will: *appears* Y-yes?

//: Teleport me to a volcano. Now.

Will: A-A volcano mam!? Are y-you sur-

//: *glares* Are you questioning me..?

Will: Ah! Of course n-not! R-r-right away!!! *teleports us there*

//: Good. Now then to do what I came for... *walks to the top and just lets myself fall into the volcano.

Will: EHHHHH!? M-mam!?! 0-0

//: *Looking at my nails dully before using my magic amulet to teleport myself back to the top right before I get too close to the lava*

See? It's almost ridiculous how easy that was.

*smirks at everyone*

You should all try it some time. I can even give you a little 'push' in the right direction. What do you say~?

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