Hair gel, Bow Ties, & Unpredictable Events- A One Direction Romance

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Hi, it's Lucy and this is my first ever fan fiction so can you tell me whether or not you like it ( constructive critism please) , I would like to thank Problematic7 for being such a great help :)

Picture on the side is Zayn Malik <3

........Chapter 1.........................................................................................................................................

I ran down the airport corridor my brown hair flowing behind me, and my black suitcase's wheels spinning uncontrollably trying to keep up with me I finally stepped on the plane and sighed in relief, earlier I was in a complete panic trying to stuff as many clothes as a girl could into one medium size suitcase. This is because I found out that I got the job as a stylist on X-Factor ,that I applied for a month ago but when I didn't hear back after a couple of weeks I lost hope and just sat on my sofa with some ice-cream watching re-runs of friends. I only got the call from the clearly bored secretary that I did get the job because the other stylist pulled out at the last minute, YAY for me!    

I carelessly threw the bag into the overhead cabinet with my name "Lucy" scrawled across the handle, and then went to sit down in my seat in front of me only to find that there was an extremely handsome boy sitting in the seat next to mine, his soft brown curls framed his face perfectly and his eyes, they were perfection! once I realised I was staring I blushed and looked down.

"Sorry" I said, whilst going to my seat and trying not to stick my bum in his face.

"That's OK, love" He replied, as I sat down in the middle seat. I took a sneaky glace at his face, to find that he was already looking at me, I whipped my head back so fast that I cricked my neck.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, it hurt so much, I could feel my face going red as I heard him laughing next to me.

"I'm Harry Styles" Harry introduced, still laughing.

"Hi I'm Lucy Brown" I say, whilst nursing my poor neck.

After that embarrassing start that was an awkward silence,

"Hey are you on the X F-" I started to say but Harry slapped his hand across my mouth to prevent me from saying more, my golden brown eyes widened in shock as he had a panicked look on his face. I ripped his hand from my face,

"What was that for" I exclaimed, slightly angry, and he could see that,

"Sorry, but do you know how long its taken me to lose the group of fans following me!" he said apologetically.

My mood immediately softened 

"Sorry" I whispered, Harry smiled

" So what are you doing on this plane, you do know this plane is only for contestants and staff, and I haven't seen you around before because I sure would remember if I did!" Harry cheekily said.

Hiding my blush I said "Well I'm one of X - factors stylists, I'm new" I said.

"Well then I should introduce you to the boys" He smiled before shouting " BOYS,COME OVER HERE I'VE GOT THE NEW STYLIST AND SHES HOT!"

I immediately started blushing as four boys came over, also known as... One Direction...     


If you want to read more remember to comment please xxxxx

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