Finding Answers

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Donnie yanked out a laptop back at the hideout, searching up types of encounters people had with the kraang, hoping to see if anything looked like the fox they found. He found the results mostly just blurry pictures of experiments running loose and some weird hairy guy on the street. But nothing that could be useful in any way. Meanwhile Mikey was hovering over the fox and grinning. "What should we name him?" Mikey asked, bouncing with excitement. "Kitsune? Like in the animes? Or maybe foxy! Wait wait I know! FOX OF FURY!"

"Mikey!" Donnie yelled. "We are not naming him! For all we know, he could already have a name, or be a girl. We have no clue until 'They' wake up!"

"Maybe we don't want it to wake up," grumbled Raph, lurking in the shadows. "It could be a kraang spy! I say we end it before it gets the upper hand on us!"

"Raph, we don't get to decide who lives and who doesn't," growled Leo, entering the area. "That's not how Sensei taught us. You've just been touchy since Spike went nuts."

"Oh shut up Leo," Raph hisses but remained quiet after that, seeming to regret saying what he did.

"You find anything yet Donnie?" Leo asked, changing the subject.

"Nothing! Nothing that seems to look like them anyway! All I can find are old sightings of Kari and other mutants we've come across, but nothing like this..." Donnie sighed.

"That's alright, maybe something will pop up later-" Leo replied but was suddenly cut off by Mikey.

"Hey guys! Come have a look at this!" He yelled. All three brothers ran over quickly.

"Is he awake?" Asked Raph.

"No not foxy, the T.V!" Mikey said, pointing at the screen.

"We are NOT naming him!" Yelled Donnie.

"Wait Mikey is on to something, look at the TV!" Leo yelped. All brothers eyes trained to the Tv, noticing the reporter and the building they just escaped from. Leo grabbed the remote and hiked up the volume so they could hear what she was saying.

"-Reports of seeing some odd creatures emerging from the building behind me mere hours ago-" she reported.

"Was it us?" Asked Donnie.

"Couldn't have been, we stuck to the shadows," muttered Leo. They all shut up as she continued with the report.

"We have some very blurry video surveillance but it may be enough to confirm some suspicions!" The turtles barely noticed how close to the television they had gotten. The video was then shown, it was a street and some... Thing that was cobalt blue was strolling on the sidewalk before being tackled by a darker object into the alley beside it. The video then showed the camera shaking as the recorder ran to the alley as a faint light quickly faded away, then the kid yelling and talking to the camera.

"More mutants?" Donnie asked.

"There was some sort of fighting going on when we infiltrated the building... it's not the first time kraang experiments had escaped their prisons," Leo muttered.

"What if they are dangerous? Half they time, these things are out of their mind are tend to attack people! We should go out, and neutralize the threat!" Raph exclaimed.

"Just calm down, we don't know if these creatures are a threat or not. From what I have seen so far, they haven't caused any damage," Leo assessed.

"But we-!" Raph protested.

Leo quickly cut him off before he could continue, "We will still investigate but we will NOT engage unless we deem them to be a hazard to the city! You got that Raph?"

The larger turtle rolled his eyes but said nothing, Leo then turned to Mikey. "Mikey, stay here and watch our... er... 'guest' while we figure out what is going on alright? Please don't let this end like another leatherback," Leo asked. Miley nodded and saluted with his left hand.

"You got it bro!"

Leo sighed but turn to the other two brothers.

"Alright, let's go!"

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