Hexpectations Vs. The Cold Hard Truth

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The ice palace was as big as 2 Charming palaces put together. She was awed at the frozen paradise. There was frost decorations and snow outside with 2 snow forts. A snowman waited outside with the mailbox. She excitedly knocked on the door. "WHO'S THERE?" An angry booming voice shouted in commandment. "Um Alice WhiteSnow. I came to see my father." She was suddenly hesitant and scared as a mouse is finding a piece of cheese on a mousetrap. The palace gates open wide and a familiar face was at the doorstep. "You...are my daughter?" He said unsure and disgusted as he had seen a monster. "Yes" she replied in a low short voice. He motioned he inside and pointed to a long, frozen table that was dressed in paper. "The palace looks so isolated" Thought Alice. She didn't question and sat on a frozen chair. The dad did as well. There was an awkward silence and suddenly he asked her. "so how old are you now? I haven't seen you since you were 3." She answered him in a calm voice or at least as much as she could calm herself voice. "I'm..seven..teen. Seventeen." She was so nervous that she could barely talk. "I haven't seen you in a long time dear. What are your hobbies?" He questioned her to learn more about his daughter. This was where it was going to get as cold and hard as a frozen stone. "Well I usually sing with animals, make new friends, hangout with my friends, look at my mirrors and be as friendly as I can!" She said with no hesitation. He frowned and seemed dissapointed. "YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE THE NEXT SNOW QUEEN! YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE EVIL! PRANKS! DETENTION! NOT ALL OF THAT NICEY PRINCESSY STUFF! GO GET OUT OF MY PALACE! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE ALICE! I BET YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE WINTER POWERS!" She had accedently froze her bookbag behind her back and left sobbing and crying out of the palace, back to the woods. "All the stories are true" She thought.

Alice's Visit To the Snow KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now