Views and Stalkers

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Back in ever after high, all of Alice's friends made her feel happy again and she was no longer upset. She practically forgot about it. She was back to her regular life. But what Alice didn't know was that her dad....ready for this.....want kidding. HE WAS REALLY STALKING. So the Snow King stalked his daughter for one whole week. She had looked in her mirrors, (obviously), sang with animals, froze things on accident and hung out with friends. The only thing that Alice didn't mention was that once in a while she did a couple of pranks and they were HILARIOUS! During the week the Snow King was stalking, she had made something explode in headmaster Grimm's face and all his unicorn figures popped out of his pockets. the King was impressed and happy he got to see how his daughter really is. He made his decision.

Alice's Visit To the Snow KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now