Who needs a prince?!

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Lucy Heartfilia sat at her desk, alone. Why you may ask? Because she was a royal princess who was being kept prisoner in a tall lonely tower by her father, but not as a bad prisoner though, it was because Lucy's father wanted to protect her from the dragons that lurked about, especially a certain half dragon. But her father hadn't told her about that one.

"I can't believe I've been stuck here for four years! Ever since I was 13! Just because of some dumb dragon myth that one may come get me before the prince does... I'm finally 17! Why won't that prince just hurry up already?!" Lucy yelled and heard her door open. "Miss Lucy, you shouldn't be so stressful... It's bad on your heart." My maid, Mira, said to me and gave me a heart shaped locket. "Sorry it took so long to get, I feel horrible I missed your birthday..." She added and Lucy sprang up from her chair and hugged her. "Oh thank you Mira! I don't mind at all! You didn't have to!" The blonde said with her eyes tearing up. "I know, but I wanted to!" Mira said and then broke from the hug and turned serious. "Lucy listen..." Mira started. Lucy cocked her head sideways like a confused puppy and asked, "What's the matter?" She said and sat down on her bed. "The dragons... They are coming, I warn you miss Lucy to keep your windows locked tight!" Mira said then got up to leave. "Wait Mira! T-the dragons... Are r-real?!" Lucy exclaimed and the servent nodded. "Farewell Miss Lucy." Mira said and with that she left and locked the door tight. Lucy sat there in shock, was this really happening?! Tonight?!

"Dad, I'm pretty sure I'm old enough." A certain pinkette said with his arms crossed, he was a half dragon, he had beautiful wing and a long tail with a flame on the end, other than that he was... Human. "Are you sure son?" A full dragon said to the pinkette. "I'm 17, I'm pretty sure I can handle more than one hundred guards alone. Trust me." The pinkette said, his name was Natsu, the dragon he was talking to was his father, Igneel. "Ok, but at least wait till tonight." The dragon said and sighed. "You've got a deal." Said Natsu with his classic smirk.

Later on that evening...

Lucy looked out her window at the stars and let out a sigh. Nothing was going to happen... No prince was in sight, not even the mythical dragons... "I knew it, they just tell me some mythical fairytale and nothing happens! Dragons aren't real!" Lucy said to herself softly.

"Is that what you think? Heh." A voice said that made Lucy jump. "W-who and where are you?!" Lucy said and looked out her window. "Are you my prince that came to save me?" The blonde added. "I don't really consider myself that..." A pink haired boy was upside down and outside Lucy's window, looking inside, the blonde wondered how he didn't fall off. She jumped back a little then smiled. "What's your name?" She said softly.

The pinkette half dragon thought this girl was beyond gorgeous than any other girl he had seen... And by the looks of it, she looked about the same age as himself. "Natsu... Natsu Dragneel... Yours?" The pinkette said finally. "Lucy... Lucy Heartfilia the princess of this kingdom, why don't you come in? I get awful lonely here." The blonde named Lucy said with a sparkle in her eyes. The pinkette was about to move but then an awful thought struck him, his father had told him the humans hate dragons and half dragons even more... But he wanted to take his chances, didn't he? "U-um you won't judge me... Will you?" He asked with his voice shaky. The blonde shook her head and the pinkette jumped from the window ceil and fell. "Natsu!" The blonde yelled and looked out the window. Suddenly she saw him... Flying?! It was incredible... Was he a half dragon her father used to tell her stories about when she was smaller?

The pinkette suddenly flew right into her room through her large window and crashed into her. Once he opened his eyes he realized their lips were connected, he got off her immediately. "Oh man! I'm sorry princess! I didn't mean to!" He said quickly. The blonde looked away quickly with her face red, the half dragon thought it was adorable. He remembered what his father had told him before he left, he must take the princess prisoner and take her back to the dragon realm.

Lucy realized the pinkette's face was also very red, it was so cute! But then she saw what he was... His tail with a flame at the end, beautiful red wings and he was pretty fit... He had nice abs... Wait what?! She couldn't believe she had kissed this half dragon! Even if it was a mistake! "So...?" The half dragon said looking away as if he was a little hurt.

"You... look amazing... Your very... U-um cute." The blonde said looking away red faced again. The pinkette smiled and blushed a little himself... So this princess does like him... Now time for the big question... "E-erm Luce?" He started and the blonde looked at him and cocked her head like a puppy. "Luce?" She said softly. "Yeah it's the nickname I made up for ya, is it ok?" The pinkette said worriedly. "Yeah! I love it!" The blonde said smiling. "Well, I was wondering if you would be my prisoner... Or no that sounds rude... My... Erm... Princess? Yeah! My princess?" He said smiling as he stood up and stretched out his hand.

The princess considered this... She did like this dragon boy... And he seemed the same age as herself and her father would keep her here for who knows how long and the chances of the prince being as hot as the dragon were slim...

"Yes." She said smiling and took his hand and he grabbed her by the waist and after giving her a quick peck on the cheek flew out of the dreaded castle, never to return his Lucy.

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