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"Please." The man begged as he clutched the dying girl. "Save my sister."

The girl trembled. Her once lively turquoise eyes looked dull and empty. Her skin pale as the melting snow. Her lips lacked colour. Helena stroked the girl's Crimson hair as a droplet of tears streaked on her cheeks. The girl coughed, and soon blood streamed from her mouth. Helga gasped and wiped it with the hem of her cloak.

"There is nothing we can do." Salazar said stiffly, although the tone of his voice showed traces of pity. Godric glared at him and said "There is something we can do."

"A Horcrux? Don't be ridiculous Gordric." Salazar exclaimed as he stared at the dying redhead then back to him. "Death is better off than splitting your soul and damaging it...forever." Helga remained quite.

"She was cursed." Rowena said. "I can feel the Dark Magic slowly killing her. It's too strong. She won't survive." She stared at the man sadly.

"Is there any other way?" The man begged desperately.

"As what I am suggesting awhile ago." Gordric stated as he pointed a wand at Salazar to stop him from objecting. "And no. A Horcrux? I'm not stupid, Slytherin."

"Oh please." Salazar muttered as he pushed his wand away. "Then what do you have in mind, great Gryffindor?"

"Godric!" Helga exclaimed. "We can't."

"We can." Rowena said. "This Curse is devouring her soul. We have to give it up before it disappears...forever."

"She will live." Godric said. "I have faith."

Creation; Tom Riddle Fanfiction (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now