Chapter 1.2: Compartments

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"Nice glasses you have there, Warren."

Myrtle gasped but remained quite. I turned around to see a midget sized girl with brown locks and sharp nose. She sneered at her. "Well?" Myrtle remained quite and didn't utter a single word.

I have to do something. "Ah, yes Aeneas. Let's go find some empty compartments, shall we?" I nudged Myrtle, causing her to squirm a bit. "Myrtle, would you like to come with us? My brother would appreciate it very much."

"What—oh. Ah yes." He muttered. "Oh gargoyles." I rolled my eyes and pulled them both towards the trains. We entered and searched for empty compartments. Unfortunately, there was none. We continued searching until a someone unintentionally barged me. I slipped and accidentally hit my head on the compartment's sliding door. Aeneas and Myrtle gasped and helped me stand up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay." I muttered as I touched my forehead. A shade of red inked my fingers. I looked up and saw a a boy with platinum blonde hair and grey eyes. "I'm sorry miss..."

"I'm fine." I shrugged. He pointed the tip of his wand at my cut and whispered "Episky." The wound healed and left a light pink scar that wasn't really visible afar, but my forehead is still tainted with blood. He took out his handkerchief and handed it to me. "I apologize for that unfortunate...event."

I offered him a hand. "Adreana Achmetha."

He gratefully took it and smiled. "Abraxas Malfoy. Are you looking for an empty compartment? You can sit with us, we don't mind." I nodded as I tried to wipe the blood away. Myrtle and Aeneas stared at each other, wicked grins forming across their faces.

"Hey Aeneas! Myrtle! I think we have a—oh." Myrtle pulled Aeneas away, striding towards another compartment. Abraxas tugged my arm and pulled me towards another compartment. I slide right in slumped on the soft cushioned seat. I stared outside the window as soon as the train wheeled away. I took a pocket book from my side pocket and started reading.

"Oi, Malfoy!" A voice called. I looked up to see a boy with raven hair and a charming smile. He stared at me for awhile, and after that, he slumped next to Malfoy and said "I surely have a thing for Ravenclaws."

"I don't Obsidian." Abraxas stated bluntly. As if a cue, a brunette girl slipped inside and sat on Malfoy's lap. Malfoy snaked his arms around her waist and smiled. "Hello gorgeous." The girl pecked his lips and smirked. I chuckled and continued reading. Obsidian started eating chocolate frogs.

"I haven't seen you before." The girl called, seating next to me. "Emmalia Vernadette Fforde. Slytherin, and yes, I'm a pure blood." She stated her blood status very proudly.

"Adreana Achmetha." I mumbled, placing the book inside my pocket. "I'm a transferee from Durmstrang Institute."

"Ah, Durmstrang." She said while tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Of course, of course. They only admit pure bloods, right?"

"Yes." I felt my cheeks turn red. "I mean, we don't really mind—"

"Mudbloods, filths." She scoffed. "Awhile ago, I just saw you talking to that Warren girl. Filthy mudblood, always moaning and crying. There's this certain stench when we're around mudbloods, right?" Obsidian and Abraxas nodded in agreement. "You should be proud of yourself. You're a pure blood. And pure blood means you're capable and worthy of handling power."

"I heard Durmstrang is very notorious for their practice of Dark Arts." Obsidian added. "That's really impressive. You'll be really useful when—" Emmalia shot him a look. He raised both of his hands up, a gesture of mock surrender. I stared outside the window, watching the landscape move.

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