Chapter Sixteen :)

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Kian's POV

I woke up bright and early to the delicious smell of eggs and pancakes. Jc is probably whipping up some food for us. Without even opening my eyes, I went to pull Char in closer to me, but she wasn't there. I opened my eyes and noticed a note on top of my phone.

Good morning, Ki! I hope you slept well! I went home to shower and get ready for today! I'll be back around 12, so be up and moving when I get back! Text me when you wake up! I love you, babe! See you later!


Typical Char. She always leaves me notes, and I keep each and every one of them! This one by far is my favorite one yet!

I did as the note said to do and texted her right then and there.

Me: Hey beautiful! I got your note! Can't wait to see you today!

Charrr 🙈: Hey Kian! I can't wait! Do you know what we are doing today so I know how I should dress?

Me: I'll go ask Jc, one sec

I walked out to the kitchen and saw Jc standing next to the stove on his phone.

"Hey, Jc. You know what we're doing today?" I asked.

"Hey, and yeah. I think we are gonna go to The Grove and walk around and maybe see a movie. Then maybe come back here later and swim." Jc said not looking up from his phone once.

"Ok, sounds good. And who are you texting? You seem to be very into your phone!" I asked sounding a bit sarcastic.

"I'm texting our manager, Andrew about tour. He said he's gonna call you at 11 about Char coming with us." Jc said.

"Alright!" I said leaving the kitchen.

I looked at my phone to check the time and it's 10:50. I better get dressed now because who knows how long this phone call could last.

I walked back into my room and to my closet and grabbed a blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I laid those out then went down the hall to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that, I went back in my room and got dressed.

As I finished fixing my hair, our manager, Andrew, called me.


"Hey, Kian. It's Andrew. Jc told me that you wanted to bring some people along on tour with you guys. Can you tell me about them?" He said getting straight to the point.

"Um, well it's only one person." I said.

"He said your best friend and your girlfriend." He said.

"Well, my girlfriend is my best friend." I said softly.

"Oh, I understand now! So you would like to know if you can bring your girlfriend on tour for about 6 weeks?" He said.

"Yes." I answered.

"Well, that's fine by me! Since she counts as family, don't worry about payments and fees and stuff. We have all of that covered." He said.

"Thank you so much! But I just have one question. Where would she sleep? Those beds only fit one person on the bus. I mean I'll sleep on one of the couch things if that would mean she would have a place to sleep." I said.

"What we can do is turn the lounge in the back into a room and put a bed in there for the two of you, if you'd like." He said.

"No, it's ok. I think we should keep the lounge on the bus. We could just share a bunk and cramp close together." I said.

"Ok, whatever works for you." He said.

We talked about a few other things before he had to go.

"Ok, well, I've gotta go to a meeting now. Feel free to call me if you need anything else." He said.

"Ok, thanks so much! Bye." I said before hanging up.

That actually wasn't as bad or scary as I thought it would be.

"Kian! Char's here!" Ricky yelled.

I looked at my phone and realized it was 12:00. That call was way longer than I thought.


What's up people?!

Sorry for the short and boring chapter, it's kind of a filler :)

But the next chapter is gonna be better. I promise!

I might update tomorrow because it's Halloween, and why not? So look forward to that!

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