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Day 7.

I never thought one single event could dictate my every thought the way yesterday's mishap did throughout the following hours, yet I found out the hard way that almost drowning left the biggest emotional scar I've ever experienced. Sleep was completely out of the question as I woke up continuously throughout the night, often in hysterics or drenched in sweat and gasping for air. After one episode in particular, though, my door cracked open and in came the person who's been surprising me quite a lot as of late.

"Marley?" Jack whispered, creeping into my room. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself, feeling guilty if I had been the reason he woke up at this hour.

"S-Sorry, did I wake you?" I rasped as I sunk deeper into my bed, pulling the sheets up to my chin.

"No, I was kinda already awake." He said, but judging from his thick, groggy morning voice, I could tell that he was lying. "Are you okay?"

I didn't want to answer. If it wasn't obvious enough, I hated feeling vulnerable in any type of situation, and the fact that I was traumatized to this extent made me feel stupid.

Settling himself on the edge of the bed, Jack reached over and turned on the lamp on the wall next to the headboard, revealing my bloodshot eyes and tousled hair. He frowned, and his first reaction was to brush the damp hair back from my forehead.

"I can't stop thinking about it." I admitted, my voice quivering.

"There's no problem with that," He counseled, a sincere expression etched onto his face. "It was a scary thing, and I wasn't even the one in danger. You're allowed to be scared, you know."

It was quiet again for a moment before I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck, surprising both of us. I guess I just needed the comfort, and maybe it was a subtle way of telling him that he was in fact growing on me. Just a little bit.

"I don't think I can go back to sleep." I mumbled as I pulled back.

"Well then how about some breakfast?" He smiled softly.

"You're not gonna get some more rest?" I asked, concerned that I might be cutting into his sleep time. As much as I appreciated all the things he does for me, I didn't want him to sacrifice anything for me in this fake relationship, or at any time for that matter. I just wasn't the person to want unneeded attention.

"Are you trying to get rid of me again?" He teased with a sleepy grin. I rolled my eyes, playfully pushing his shoulder. "I'm fine, Mar. Being with you is a much better use of my time." As corny as it was, my cheeks warmed, and I was thankful that it was dim enough in the room to shield it.

"My name's Marley." I mumbled.

He chuckled, his broad figure ambling away towards the door, I'm assuming to order room service for us. "Okay, Mar."

I remained stationary on the bed, my eyelids drooping but reluctant to close as my mind willed my body to stay awake. I sat there for what felt like hours, drifting off into another world within my thoughts, until I was startled by the clattering of dishes. Jack pulled the breakfast cart into the room and switched the ceiling lights on, turning towards me with a smile.

"Your breakfast awaits, madam." He spoke with a posh British accent.

In accordance to the past week, Jack had ordered my favorites along with his own special breakfast platter, consisting of an omelet and some muffins. We spent the next hour or so, eating and talking on my bed as if we were two old friends who've known each other for years. I was beginning to consider Jack as a real friend, and even though I wasn't going to discuss any important matters with him, I sort of felt like I could tell him anything if I wanted to. That's the kind of charismatic touch that he was blessed with: he could talk with anyone and probably be able convince them to give him their first born.

Twenty-Nine // J.G.Where stories live. Discover now