Chapter 10:Machine

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Dipper's POV

Great Uncle Ford had been building a machine all day.It had been 3 days without Y/N.I really miss him/her...I miss looking into his/her beautiful big e/c eyes and stroking his/her h/l h/c.

Dipper get your head back in the game.The only thing that matters now is getting back Y/N.Whoever took him/her will pay for what they did.

"Dipper,over here," I heard Great Uncle Ford call me over.

Did he figure it out!?Does he know how to get Y/N back!?Be cool Dipper.Be cool.

I walked over to Great Uncle Ford."Dipper,it is built."

I looked over at the machine.There was a blue aura in the middle of the machine.There was a computer hooked up to the machine and it had Y/N's name typed in already.There were also 2 pairs of glasses beside it.

Great Uncle Ford walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder."Those aren't no ordinary glasses.These type of glasses,",Great Uncle Ford picked up one of the pairs,"they see where the person you wish to see's location."

"This way you can find Y/N.Test them out Dipper."

I did what I was told to do.I walked over to where the blue aura of the machine was and put on the glasses.No way...these actually work!

I see Y/N surrounded by 2 people.Both of them had brown hair and looked similar.They looked and Mabel.I saw Y/N's face.He/She looked confused and scared.

I took the glasses off and looked at Great Uncle Ford."Great Uncle need to see this."

Great Uncle Ford grabbed the other pair of glasses.When he put them on,he looked shocked.

He immediately took them off."Dipper...he/she is in the alternate dimension of our world..."

"Is this good or bad!?" I asked Great Uncle Ford.

Great Uncle Ford looked nervous bit his lip."Let's just say...the alternate version's of you and your sister are very...bad."

No!Oh no!Oh no no no no!I hope he's/she's okay!

"Well we have to do something about it!" I screamed with tears welled up in my eyes.

"Dipper!Calm down!We'll get him/her back.Don't worry." Great Uncle Ford told me.

Are the alternate versions of me and Mabel really that bad.When I looked through the glasses,they seemed to be smirking while looking at Y/N.Oh how it made me mad the way they looked at him/her.

They looked at him/her like they were predators that captured their prey.That did not make me happy!

Great Uncle Ford leaned down to me and put his hand on my shoulder."If you want to get Y/N back,you'll have to go through there." he said pointing at the machine or portal.

"Anything to get Y/N back.I will take that chance." I said.

Great Uncle Ford looked at me with a look that said "Go.".

I did exactly what that look said for me to do.

I put my hand in the portal and walked through.I completely walked through and...this place looked WWAAYY different than Gravity Falls.

Well...let the adventure begin.

Confused In Love (Dipper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now