Fairy Tail Answers

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Mirajane posted: Ok everyone time to answer the questions of our fans. Are you guys ready?
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Natsu: Heck yeah!!! I'm all fired up!

Grey: Lets do this.

Lucy: Can't wait to see the questions.

Happy: Lets go!

Erza: I'm kinda excited

Wendy: me too:)

Levy: ^^^"Me". Correct grammar please.

Mirajane Posted: Ok guys the first question is from @Attack_On_Bagel it's reads
" Happy: Did you know that you are adorable and here is a bag filled with endless fish and a device that makes Carla like you.

Lucy: kill happy and I will kill you"

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Happy: Oh my gawd!!!! Thank you so much for the delicious fish you delicious sounding person!!! And I appreciate the offer but I want to make Carla fall for me myself. And yes I am pretty adorable:)

Carla: Hmmm well said Tomcat. With that attitude you I have a New respect for you.

Happy: Really!?!? Then how about we share a fish?

Carla: No -_-

Lucy: Hey now. I wouldn't have to kill him if he wasn't such a jerk.

Mirajane: Now now Lucy remember what master said "The customer is always right"

Lucy: But... Oh fine whatever. You're safe for now cat.


Mirajane posted: Ok guys next question comes from @Characterhere

"@LucyHeartfellia have you and Natsu ever kissed?"
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Levy: Oooooooooohhhhh get it lulu hahaha XD

Wendy: Oh my

Mirajane: Moment of truth!!!

Lucy: can everybody stop commenting. Every time I get a notification it distracts me.

Happy: wow Lucy you need to work on your attention span.

Lucy: SHUT IT CAT!!! And to answer your question Characterhere, it's kind of embarrassing to answer but yes but it was because Asuka made us go another round doing whatever she wanted and made us kiss.

Mirajane: Where was I during all this!!! I can't believe I missed a major NaLu moment!!!

Bisca: On behalf of Alzack and I, we apologize for the trouble our daughter has caused.

Natsu: No need to apologize. It wasn't too bad right Luce?

Lucy: Natsu, what are you saying

Mirajane: Omg!!! I think I'm about to die!!!

Grey: Oh get a room. Come on Mira she answered so let's move on to the next question.

Lissanna posted: Hey guys:) so my sister just passed out from all the excitement of the NaLu moment so I'll ask the last question. This ones from @SoulEaterFanGirl02
"Mira: Who do you like? And if Laxus asked you out would you?"
Ok guess we gotta wake her up. Someone tell her that Grey loves Lucy and Juvia loves Leonne.
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Grey: Wtf? Why do we have to tell her that? I don't like lucy.

Juvia: And my heart belongs soley to my darling Grey!!!

Lissanna: Calm down guys if we say that a ship of hers broke up then it should shock her awake.

Natsu: Or send her on a Satan Soul Rampage.

Laxus: No need guys. I just gave her a little jolt to wake up. She was pissed but got over it pretty quick. She's getting her phone now.

Mirajane: Thank you Laxus and sorry for punching you. Please forgive me.

Laxus: No worries.

Mirajane: Now to Answer the question, I like everyone in the guild:) and if he asked me out I would have to think about it after a date or two;)

Lucy: Wow Mira! That was So straight forward.

Levy: Yeah really brave. What do you think Laxus?

Laxus: Sounds like fun. How does dinner and a walk in the park sound Mira?

Mirajane: Its a date:) you can pick me up at 7

Laxus: See you then:)

Grey: Man these two don't beat around the bush at all.

Makarov posted: Well that's all the questions we have and I hope we satisfied your curiosity. I hope everyone had fun, so until next time everyone:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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