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Your boyfriend broke up with you. The sad part is... It was 2 months ago. And here you are, still bawling and sobbing and watching the Notebook. ( Am I the only one that watches that when their sad?) Before I start crying, again, my name is Lala. (One of my nicknames). My best friend Sam was trying to get me to clean up and get off the couch to go to this new club called Midnight.

"Come on Lala! I know you took the breakup hard but it's been two months! TWO FUCKING MONTHS! Now, I'm going to the kitchen, if your not up there in your room finding something to wear to the club, I'm going to slap the shit out of you, and DRAG YOU UP THERE MYSELF! (ME!)

As soon as she said that, you sprinted up them stairs.

Like 10 minutes later
You finally finished your makeup and had your outfit on. (In the media)

As you were walking down the stairs Sam whistled at you. Since your outfit was on fleek, you did a little twirl.

"So gurlie, you ready to go?", Sam said

"As ready as I'll ever be", I said

Skip car ride
The bouncer let us right in. Sam already saw a boy so she's gone and probably not coming back. So I went straight to the bar. Not knowing what to get I was thinking of what to get. looked

"She'll have an apple martini and I'll have a vodka coke" a strange but very Mr. Panty Dropper man ordered for me.

I hadn't looked at him but his voice! Damnnnnnn that voice! That raspy voice that you want to hear after having some good ass sex! I finally up at Mr. Panty Dropper and looked into the most beautiful hazel eyes in the world! That's when you realized that JUSTIN FUCKING BIEBER JUST BOUGHT YOU A DRINK!

"So no thank you?" Mr. Panty Dropper said

"Well sorry, Justin Bieber" I said

"You know who I am?"

"Who doesn't know who thee Justin Bieber is?

For awhile we were just sitting and flirting at the bar, then his song Confident came on.

"Could I have this dance?"

"You may"

You both were a little tipsy but not drunk, so you still knew what you were doing. While you were basically grinding against Justin, he was whispering lyrics into your ear.

"Focused, I'm focused, gotta body like that ain't seen nothing like that"

After like a minute you could feel a tent in his pants. Grabbing his dick and kind of palming it, you seductively whispered into his ear,

"Let's get out of here"

He just nodded his head

What's even better is that Sam just texted you saying she's staying at the man's house that she was talking to who so happened to be one of Justin's friends. So house to yourself, and Justin Bieber is coming with you. Fun.




So like I said I had this idea while listening to Confident and I think I did really good. So please read, hopefully vote, comment, request! I will be writing part 2........ Tomorrow, hopefully.

Justin Bieber Interracial Imagines/Preferences Where stories live. Discover now