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So I'm doing my usual stalk on instagram and I go on his page seeing this... Not only am I upset, but I'm also disappointed, cause I know he's probably stressed from going on tour soon and stuff... Well wake the fuck up your not the only singer/celebrity who's stressed about something! If he's stressed or something, smoking is not the answer, a therapist or friends or family that could help. And I'm disappointed cause one, smoking disgusts me the smell of it, the effects of them, and also cause it can give you cancer, it can mess up your teeth, it can mess up your lungs and if he messed up his lungs then he wouldn't be able to sing, then if he can't sing then what're his beliebers there for? Not only are they there for him, but they're also there for the music. And if his voice is gone then what're the beliebers there for?

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