Chapter 8 - Black

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Chapter 8- Black

Of course, I fell asleep. I've been doing that a lot lately. But nobody said it was bad. This time around though, it was deep and peacefull, dreamless, exactly what I needed. Of course, I never knew what I was in for when I woke up!

As my eyes drifted open I realized a few things-

One, it's dark and Two, I'm not in my room anymore. But where was I? I don't know. In fact, I have absolutely no idea.

I tried to look around, to move, but I couldn't. I couldn't feel my body at all. I didn't know if I was moving or not. I looked around, for what I could see. But I saw nothing. It was all the same: Darkness. If I stay here long enough I'm positive I'll go crazy! This time I did my best to thrash around, waiting to feel something, anything at all! Still, nothing. No thing. 

I eventually stopped trying and sat there, listening. Since I couldn't move, or taste for that matter I relied solely on what I could hear and see. I heard thumping noises every once in a while. They sounded like footsteps. After probably five minutes or so a sliver of light entered the room, followed by a creak.

"Ahhh I see she's awake. Too bad she didn't follow my directions and warning." a hissed voice said. Since I couldn't control anyting, I couldn't speak back. A figure appeared above me, it was the figure from my nightmare. Again, I thought I saw a resemblance to someone I knew but I still couldn't put my finger on it. Suddenly, my eyes flashed with recongnition. Alexa! It's Alexa, Zack's girlfriend! Oh my god, it can't be true can it? I must have started to breathe heavily or something because she raised a pan and smacked my head with it, knocking me out cold. So not good. At least I couldn't feel the pain, I thought, before my mind went completely black once again.

There was so much black. The throbing headache is killing me so much. I opened my eyes again and what I saw scared me half to death. Above me, standing was Haley. But she did not look like Haley. Again, this time from shock, I passed out.

What on Earth was going on?

(A/N: I know it's short but I hope you liked it. I promise, a fast pace chapter next time!)

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