Chapter 15 - Aiden

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Chapter 15- Aiden

I sat down on the broken stump and looked out at the ocean. This place calms me down so much. Even when I'm stressed out like this, I was still calm and could think a lot more clearer. I need to figure out how to stop this spell or prophecy or whatever from coming true. Based on the information I found that serpent is trying to arise again, using me and Haley. With the dream I had about me "letting it out" and becoming like her then we have to resist whatever things she gives to us and must conquer what she puts in our way. With all the weird visions and whatnot with both Haley and I being captured and Haley being different it could be foretelling what will happen if we don't watch out. Suddenly I felt like a puzzle piece was clicked together. I took a sharp intake of breath and looked around me with new eyes. Something was up. The air was different, like I was being watched.

"Hey" a man's voice spoke.

"Hey?" I replied as a question. A man stepped out of the trees behind the beach. He had dark brown hair that flopped in his amber eyes. He was tall with an athletic build. With weirdly pointy ears. What? 

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"Bout what?" he sat down on the log next to me. I scooted over, not comfortable near him.

"Life. School. What else?" He chuckled.

"I don't know."

"What are you doing here? I have't seen you around."

"I moved here over the summer. This pretty girl named Haley was really helpful with helping me unpack  and get settled here." I took a sharp intake of breath at the mention of Haley.

"Oh, that's nice."

"Do you know Haley?"

"Yes, actually we're best friends." He stuck his hand out.

"I'm Aiden." I shook it politely, even though I was scared of what would happen next.

"Amanda." he smirked at me,

"I know who you are." there was an evil glint in his eye as he continued,

"And I know what you know, and more."

Then he stood up and disappeared into the trees again. That really creeped me out. I relaxed onto the trunk for a few minutes before getting up and going to Haley's house to tell her about creepy Aiden. We have a problem on our hands, and that's him. 

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