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"New life, no more Hayes." I say walking into my new apartment in New York City.

I still have to take medication, since there was some damage in my brain.

I've been living with Cameron and Melody, I guess Hayes moved on, but it's only been 4 months since we split but whatever. I seen him around, but we never talked. We just ignore eachother, not talking at all, but I do miss him. He's still in LA, attending UCLA, Cameron is still over there, Nash got married last month, Hayes was my date to the wedding, I would say that was pretty awkward. Hayes and I didn't talk at all.

I look around the apartment, since I bought a furnished one. It's all modern, I like it, so I wouldn't be trading in any furniture anytime soon.

I finish walking around, I grab my bag walking out the door.

As I walk I bump into someone,

"Oh I'm so sorry." I look up to the person.

He has blue  eyes, and his brown hair in a some type quiff, and his glasses. His smile is so adora- okay Hailey snap out of it! He reminds me of Hayes though... Just without glasses. Wait what he looks nothing like Hayes... Wait maybe a little bit like him, Okay Hailey you need to stop.

"Oh no it's okay, I'm Blake and you are ?" He smiles at me.

"I'm Hailey." I smile back.

"I never seen you before, did you just move in?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Well I live down the hall," he points to a door about 5 away from mine, "I always welcome new neighbors. So I was heading to your place, giving you these brownies." He hands me a plate of brownies.

"Well thank you, I was just leaving my place." I grip on the plate.

"We should hang out sometime." He says.

"Um, can I have your number?" He says scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah sure." I smile holding the plate in one hand typing my number into a new contact.

"Well, thank you. I better get going. See you around Hailey." He smiles turning away from me.

I smile, walking back to my apartment placing the brownies on the table, leaving the apartment.

I get in my car, heading to the nearest grocery store.

I get some snacks for myself, some fruits, and other stuff, not caring what it is, just knowing I'll use it
someday. I go to target getting plates and stuff.

I finish packing my car, heading back home.


I was finished unpacking everything, for 7 hours straight. I was really focused, so I got everything done.

"Now I have to go look for jobs tomorrow." I plop on my bed falling asleep.


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