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{Listen to Perfect by One Direction}


*Christmas Day*

"Baby." I shake Hailey. She moans lightly.

"Stop." She whispers.

"Babe, it's Christmas." I say, she gets up quickly. Christmas was always her favorite holiday. She'd always loved to buy presents and decorated.

"Oh my god." She runs downstairs, I follow behind her walking.

"Babe!" She yells.

I hurry downstairs, and go over to her.

"I need to get ready!" She says.

"Babe, my family is already here." I say, they were all talking in the office room.

"Oh..." She trails off.

Then my family and Hailey's family walks in.

"Hi Hailey!" My mom says, hugging her.

Everybody greets her, then we all sit down.

"Okay, this present is for Skylynn, from Hayes and Hailey." My mom grabs a big box.

"What is it?" She asks.

"I don't know open it sweetie." Mom says.

Skylynn rips off the wrapping paper.

"Ahhhh! It's a horse!!" She yells. "Thank you Hayes! Thank you Hailey!" She yells hugging both of us.

"Sky you have one more." Hailey, says giving her a box.

She opens it quickly. Revealing some overalls and a gray with white poka dots that matched with it.

"This is so cute!" She squeals, I smile because she liked the outfit I picked out for her.

"Thank you!" She hugs Hailey and I.

"You're welcome." I smile kissing her forehead.

We all exchange our presents, I got a Nike gift card from Nash and Emily. Will gave me a Nike windbreaker and an adidas one. Cameron and Melody got me gift cards to chipotle. There's tons of wrapping paper on the ground.

"Okay, guys. Now for the big news." I announce. Everyone puts their eyes on Hailey and I.

They all stare at us...

"Ready to tell them?" Hailey whispers to me, I nod.

"Hayes and I..." Hailey starts.

"Getting married?"

"Yeah? Getting married."

"Moving back here?"

Questions fill up the room,

"No." We both say. We hold hands, "We're having a baby!" Hailey blurts out.

"Oh my god!" My mom yells, she gets up hugging us both.

"My baby boy is having a baby!" She kisses my cheek.

"Hailey congrats!" My mom says to Hailey hugging her.

"Thank you." She smiles.

Everybody congrats us, us thanking them.

"Okay, who's leaving tomorrow?" Hailey's mom ask.

"Us. I have work to do." I say.

"What time?" My mom asks.

"7 pm. So we can all go to an ice skating rank or something." I suggest, everyone nods.

{New Years eve}


"Okay baby, where do you wanna go?" I ask Hayes, that is sitting on the couch.

"Times Square?" He asks, I

"Let's go right now? It's 8 right now. We'll miss One Direction's performance." I say.

"Fine." Hayes says getting up, putting on his shirt.

"Let's go now." I walk out the door, even though Hayes was still putting on his shoes.

We both get in my car, Hayes driving obviously. Hayes starts he car then we drive off.


"Oh um, hi sorry to bother you. When it gets to one, can you take a photo of us two?" I tell a guy.






"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Everyone yells, Hayes and I kiss. The guy snaps the photo for us.

This year will be a great year.


HEY HEY HEYYY. How you guys doin? Lol sorry I haven't been updating. I have schoolwork and my teacher hates me so yeah. :)

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