Day 46

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The smell of flowers and candles
Filled the majority of this place.

On my right hand is a boquet
And on the other is yours.

Though you are not here
I know you're ghost follows me.

From the very morning,
Till late night.

I just suddenly feel cold
That results to goosebumps.

Instead of being afraid,
I just smile, for I know you are there.

Watching every move,
Even what I write right now.

It's been a year,
But the longing is still here.

I assure you that I won't forget
The things you taught me.

The messages you've sent everyday,
And how strong your faith to God was.

Hey friend, I know you're enjoying heaven
While I'm here down, struggling.

Hey friend, I miss you.
May you rest in peace.

January 15, 2001
March 11, 2014

Those dates will be remembered.

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