The Basketball Game

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I sat down at lunch smiling at Sinka as I dung into my delicious homemade food. Sinka was talking on the phone squealing once and a while, making me throw half my soft French fries on the floor. She had on an pink tank top and blue shorts. She wore the black sandals I gave to her this year last month for her birthday. Her hair was in a high bun, once and a while bouncing up and down when she did. Once she was off the phone I arched my eyebrow at her.

What a weird friend I have . . .

"You wanna know who was on the phone," she didn't even let me answer. "My brother!!!!"

She had a lot of brothers so I wasn't really feeling her drift. "Sinka," I said touching her shoulder. "Which one?" She gave me a questioning look, but finally understood.

"Greg the tall one." She replied. There were two Greg's in her family, one was tall, and the other short. When the two are in a house together and people need them the people say, 'Tall Greg come here' or 'short Greg come here'. I always call them that just to annoy them.

"What about Greg the tall one?" She always stopped before explaining, so we could ask questions and she would become the 'Middle Of Attention'.

"Well," she started, while putting her phone in her pocket. "You know how that basketball game is tomorrow?" I nodded my head.

She really needed to get to the point.

"So, my brother Greg bought tickets planning to go with his friend. And," she stretched out the 'and' part making me want to slap her silly for over exaggerating. "You wanna know what happened?" Okay,this is her last question.

"No,no I don't know what happened, because you," I reached across the table and poked her chest. "Won't tell me. So, what happened?"

She looked at me in surprise then continued without even acknowledging my frustration. "He has to study for a test, so mom won't let him go. And while all the other boys literally begged him for his tickets after they laughed at how he couldn't go he decided to give them to his best sister ever." I grunted.

Not really a basketball fan sweety. I thought,shoving a fry down my throat.

"So, you wanna come?" She asked as I finished chewing.

I thought for a second the replied. "No." Was a simple answer.

"What, but these are the only life time tickets we'll get!!!!" She screeched throwing her hands in the air then letting them hit the table with a clunk that made people look at us from different tables.

"No," I repeated again, gulping down half a can of Snapple. "You know I don't do basketball games."

She scoffed, "Since when?" She asked taking one of my fries and totally ignoring the cafeterias food set on her plate.

"Oh, since I realized all they ever do is run down the court with a ball and shooting. What is so fun about that?" I question finishing off the rest of my fries.

"What's fun about it?" She repeated me. "This is the biggest basketball game in life right now. Also, the team that's playing Oklahoma better be considered lucky."

"Ugh,I can beat Oklahoma with my bare hands." I knew that wasn't true, and I knew Sinka would point it out.

"We all know that's not true." She sputtered, drinking the rest of my Snapple that I offered her.

"We'll we never know." No I was just joking, but Sinka takes her basketball stuff seriously.

"Whatever," she waved me away like a fly on her food. "But, please come. I'll be lonely." She pulled her pouty face that I've never said no to so you can guess my answer to her.

"Yes," I grumbled, just as the bell rang. "I'll see you later, Sinka."

She always did it. "The face it's the face." I grumbled to myself like a little kid not getting what they want.

I got to class an minute late, because my locker was jammed and I always put my stuff in it before lunch.

"Ms. Honor, its very good to see you can join my class today. Take a seat." Mr. Ben was a old crock who always found ways to send me to the principles office.

"That's Bailey Honor to you, and yes. Its very happy to be in your class." The only available seat was in the back next to a window that out seeks our lake and parking lot.

I plopped in my seat took out the intended work from yesterday and finished it.

M. A. T. H
E   B  O  U
N  U      M
T   S      A
A  E      N
L           S

Of course one of the meanest teachers in the school had to teach horrible math. When the bell rang I left quicker than I came and went to my next class. School was over before I knew it and i sat on the steps of school waiting on my mom or dad to pick me up.

"Come on, come one," I muttered, rubbing my hands on my thighs. "Where are you?" Before I could pull out my phone Sinka arrived with her keys in her hand.

Boy did I wish I could drive.

"I'm taking you to my house." She answered, walking to her small cube car.

"What?" I asked, staying in the same spot she saw me on, but now I was standing.

"I called your mom and dad, they said it was okay for me to take you to the game." She explained, whipping her car door open. "Wait the games today?" I asked, heating up my hands that got suddenly cold.

"Yeah, why do think I asked so late?" That answered even blew me away, but I still found a way to walk over to Sinka's and some how knew...

Things would Not turn out right.

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