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My second day knowing Lucas actually went to my school was getting annoying.

He popped up every where!!!! At my locker, outside my class, even at the girls locker room. Speechless I was. I didn't know what he wanted, and nor did I want to find out. Last period was writing an essay for the next hour and a half. My hand was aching from typing and my head couldn't come up with anymore ideas for the article. I had on a yellow sundress my shoes were black flats and my hair was down in wavy curls. A tap on my shoulder made me bite my cheek in knowing and turn to find Jason's pencil pointing at my back ready to get another strike until he realized I actually turned around this time.

"What," I hissed, he had been doing this all class and it killed me.

He held up his hands in surrender, but answered smugly. "Isn't the analysis suppose to support the topic of the text?" I shake my head almost as smugly as him.

"Nope," I said popping my 'p'. "It supports the topic and evidence of the text." I didn't have the best grade in writing, but I knew the basics. He cleared his throat then put his elbows on the table. His long black sleeve shirt was rolled up to the elbows and tucked into his blue jeans.

"The why do you have it supporting you life style?" I frown and face my computer, and sure enough my computer was full of what my mother told me of what she knew of the sworn enemies. I deleted it all with a click of the button and turned back towards him. "You know?" I started, smirking, "you got one big fat gigantic loud smart-" before I could finish the inter com above the teachers desk scratched then someone's voice was heard.

"Ummm, can Bailey Honor. Bailey Honor. Can you please come to the office for a moment?" I froze. Never had I ever been in there except for being tardy and I was afraid for what it was this time.

"See you later Honor." I heard Jason call, but turned to see him going back to his computer typing faster than a cheetah.

I smiled at the teacher while walking by and went down the dull empty hallway. A light was flickering down the hall and I screamed.

I'll just take the long way . . .

I turned and ran the other way stopping once in the hallway of the office. Once whipping beads of sweat off my face I fixed my dress and pushed open the office door. A table was set right in the front. A few chairs were off to the side and a door was ajar on the other wall to my left. Walking slowly to the door I was ready to push it open when I voice echoed behind me. "What are you doing here?" A woman in her mid Thirty's said, with a black skirt and red shirt on.

"Ummm, I got called here down for the principles office?" It came out more like a question than an answer.

"Oh, Bailey Honor. Good luck!!!!" Then she walked away a smile playing at her wrinkled skin.

Okay . . .

I push open the door to find the principal with his feet placed neatly on the desk and his hands behind his head. "Hi, Mr. Caller." He smirked, but a loom in his eye told me this situation would not turn out good.

"You wanna know why by our here?" He asked, putting his feet off the desk and gesturing to a seat in frant of it, and I sat, nodding my head.

"Well, I've seen you grades at excellent in Spanish." He replied. "Yea sir," I said slowly nodding along with my words. "But what does that have to do with this?" I was immediately confused when he brought up my grades in this conversation.

"Your going to work with a troubled student as a tutor. That person will be-"

"Wait, don't you gotta sign up for this stuff? Because I know I surly I did not. And plus it's not like where going to mexico anyway." I  stood up and slammed my hand on his desk making it jiggle a little.

"Yes you do have to sign up, but I thought you would be up for the challenge." Then he smirked. "But clearly you not." I pulled a scar razing stare and smiled.

"So," I replied. "Who are they?"

"Jason. Jason Orlando." And that's when I fell back in the seat.

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