Chapter 28

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The next morning, hailey woke up vomiting for a reason unknown but she brushed it off, and went down to get some breakfast.

She planned to stay in for the day again, since maddy had stayed very late and she was pretty tired.

She ate her breakfast and sat down in the couch. she turned on the tv and watched criminal minds she loved this show. sometimes she would  be able to find the killer before they did.

"it was him you idiots! he's right next to you" Hailey was really into it .

She had thought a couple minutes passed but before she knew it, it wasn't 11 in the morning anymore, it was already 1 in the afternoon.

That's what happens when i watch too much of this show.
She reached for her phone as her ringtone began to play.

"wake me up
say enough is enough
I'm dying to live
Something's gotta give"

She sang along a little before picking up and seeing it was niall.


"hailey, hey, how are you?"

"im good, you?" he usually texts, why didn't he?

"i'm good, listen are you doing anything today?" he sounded a bit nervous.

"um no , not really?"

"you really have stayed home all week haven't you?"

"in my defense i've had nothing to do" they both laughed.

"well if you want, we could go out today" it came out more as a question than an offer.

"uh like on a uh"

"i was hoping so, but if you think that's weird , then just as friends" he answered her unasked question.

"no, it's fine a date it is" she tried to hide her excitement.

"awesome! great! I'll pick you up at 3:30pm" he sounded extremely excited, not holding anything back, and hung up.

wait where are we going?

what do i wear?

god im so excited!!

Hailey ran up to her room and tore apart her closet, searching piece by piece for something to wear.

It was almost december so it was cold, but it wasn't too cold either.

after 45 minutes she decided on a white shirt, black broken knee jeans her burgundy doc martens and her black jean jacket. She showered, got dressed, added a little eyeliner/mascara, blew out her brunette hair and tied it up into a clean but messy bun. She added a simple silver necklace with a small heart in the middle.

She checked the time and saw it was already 3 so she went down to the living area and looked out the window. She noticed a black unfamiliar car, but saw niall through the drivers window.


She grabbed her purse, and walked out. He noticed her right away and got out of the car to greet her.

"Hey, sorry i'm early"

"i'm glad you are, i was about to spend the next half an hour waiting."

"awesome well let's go"

He went to the passenger's side and opened the door for her, she got in and he closed it behind her, hopping into his seat.
"so where exactly are we going?" hailey hoped he would tell her.

"um well it's not too cold outside , so i was thinking a movie, and then an outdoor dinner?" again it sounded more as a question, hailey could tell he was nervous but so was she.

"sounds great"

They drove singing along to green day's "21 guns" both smiling at each other every now and then, loving the fact that they both have same taste in music.

"when they arrived at the movie theatre , they decided on watching "the hunger games" so they did.

After the movie, niall took them a couple blocks away from the theatre.

They walked through the grass and hailey gave a small gasp to see what was in front of her.

It was a white tent in the middle of all this space. green blanket blending in with the grass. glistening light around the tent and small candles lit up around the blanket. Two black pillow cushions with a bouquet of red roses in the middle, and two plates covered with a silver top. There stood a man in a black and white suit signaling for them to come over.

"this is beautiful!" he hugged her, relieved she liked it.

"i'm so glad you like it, i honestly thought it might be too cheesy"

"it's gorgeous, i never knew i could like this stuff until now." They walked over to the tent , big smile on their faces.

"madam have a lovely evening. Mr. horan has prepared a splendid meal for the both of you."With that the man walked away.

"you cooked? okay you really went all out" hailey couldn't help but have a huge smile on her face.

She was glad the sun had died down and it was now night because it looked absolutely beautiful under the night sky, especially with the ocean right in front of them.

"i wanted this to be really nice, let's sit."

They both sat and niall took the lid off the plates revealing a very delicious meal. It was grilled shrimp served with chopped cilantro over it, with a small side of linguini covered in parmesan cheese.

"This is my favorite food!" Hailey looked up to niall to see him smiling.

"i know, i asked maddy"

"you are amazing thank you so much!" she hugged niall real tight.

"champagne?" NIall served two glasses half full.

They ate and once the plates were taken away by the man from earlier, the laid on the blankets.

"you did a really nice thing for me today" hailey looked over at niall.

"i just..i.. you've gone through so much and when i saw you laying there on the hospital i prayed to god that no one will hurt you again..but then i.." He trailed off

"please continue"

"Everyone had talked about you so much, but when i met you at the hospital i didn't know you were the hailey they were talking about and then i started to talk to you a lot, and i guess i've been falling for you, and i just knew that i was gonna make sure no one ever hurt you again, i want to make you happy as much as possible.. and i know it's weird, i haven't known you that long, but i mean i don't know" he looked away. smiling nervously.

"that's the sweetest thing i've ever heard, i ......i like you very much. You've done so much for me but i hope you understand that you don't owe me anything." Hailey grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"yea i do, you've done a lot for me too. I finally don't only care about my internship or school.because of you i remembered that i have friends." they both laughed , hailey scooted closer to him. He put his arm behind her, leaning his hand against the ground and she leaned her head on his shoulder. They sat there for a couple minutes in silence, watching the waves crash into each other.

Later on he drove her home and they hugged goodbye.

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