My Uncle Is Iron Man

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Okay, before you all go ape shiet on me, there will be no Percabeth in this fanfic of mine, its a Percy/OC love story. This is only the Olympians series, never liked the Heroes series much, never got past the first book. This story is post last olympian.


~Percy's POV~

"Percy! Do you have your bags ready and everything?" My mother shouted from downstairs. Let me catch you up to speed: my mother is going on a month long cruise with my stepfather, Paul, and I have to go stay with my uncle because it's still school time. They're only going on the cruise because they won it in a contest. "Yes mom. Can you tell me who I am staying with now?" I asked as I lugged my bags down stairs. "You'll see in a bit honey." My mother smiled as she grabbed her purse and keys. There was a knock at the door. I went and opened the door, revealing my girlfriend Lacie. "Hey sea breathe." She giggled, stepping into the house and greeting my mom before turning her attention back to me. I know what you're all thinking: what happened to Annabeth? We tried, we dated, just didn't work out; we decided to stay friends.

"Wonder if your uncle will let me visit you." She said as my mother drove. "I hope he's cool." I chuckled, looking out the window. "What if he was some grumpy ass old man." Lacie snickered. "Oh gods no, I hope not." I groaned, running a hand through my hair. "Don't worry Percy, I'm pretty sure you'll take a liking to him." My mom assured me.

I felt the car stop, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We're here." My mom announced. I looked around the area before looking at the tall building that was in front of the car. "Oh my gosh, that's the Avenger's tower," my girlfriend gasped in awe, "To bad I have to go... Father's calling." I looked at her with a pouty face, "Come on, just stay a bit?" She giggled and pinched my cheeks, "You know my dad, doesn't like to be kept waiting, especially if I'm being held up by you Percy. I'll visit you when I'm done, kay?" I nodded and gave her a hug before watching her get out of the car and go into an alleyway.

Once we got out of the car, I realized that we were walking towards the tower then into it. "Hello? Are you Sally Jackson?" Some lady asked. "Yes, are you Pepper?" My mom replied with her own question. "Yes." The lady smiled, taping somethings on her tablet before leading us to the elevator. '100 floors? Damn.' I thought as I saw the button for floor 100; I was so tempted to push all of the buttons, I'll admit that. Pepper pushed the button for floor 87. Everyone was quiet as the elevator went up.

"Ah Pepper." Some guy with a goatee greeted her when the elevator opened. "I am assuming this is my cousin and her nephew." He said, nodding towards us. "Yes, Sally Jackson, and her son Percy Jackson. Guys, this is-" before Pepper could finish, my uncle cut in. "Tony Stark, I am capable of introducing myself dear. Been a while Sally, haven't seen ya since we were like what? 10? Teens?" Tony chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. "Since we were 12 but that is no matter. Thank you for taking Percy in on such short notice." My mother said. "Oh no need to thank me Sally, I want to get to know my nephew a bit. Never knew I had a nephew. Oh how long will you be gone by the way? Just for me to know, not that I want him gone soon or anything. I should stop talking now." He shut himself up after his little ramble. "The information packet said it was a month if everything goes smoothly." My mother replied with a smile. Mom looked at her watch and gave me a kiss on my cheek, making me whine and frown slightly, "Mom, I'm nearly 18, an adult." "Oh Percy, you'll always be my little boy. Now take care. Remember, I'm only a phone call away. Alright, I gotta go Percy, take care, be good." With that, she got into the elevator and left.

Pepper left shortly after my mother did after talking about some things with Tony. "Alright kiddo, lets go meet the gang. They're anxious to see what crazy person is related to me." My uncle chuckled before leading us to the elevator. "Oh, uncle-" Tony cut me off, "Call me Tony, uncle sounds weird." "Okay, Tony. Well, I wanted to ask you if my girlfriend can visit and hang out here as well, maybe stay over night sometimes? If that's okay with you." I asked my uncle, knowing how Lacie doesn't like staying at the camp much without me. "Yeah sure, the more the merrier. As long as you two don't go burning the tower down." He chuckled. The elevator stopped and it's doors opened, revealing a huge living room with a kitchen off to the side.

The heads of the six people that sat on the couches turned and looked at us. "Is that your nephew?" Some guy with blond hair asked. "Yes, this is my nephew. Why don't you introduce yourself." Tony pushed me forward, making me walk to the couch. He sat down on an open seat on the couch while I stood in front of everyone like an idiot. "You okay kid?" a guy with glasses and dark brown hair asked me, gesturing his hand towards my fingers that were constantly moving and my feet that were tapping nonstop. "Yeah, ADHD, and nervous." I answered, trying to calm my breathing down. "My name's Percy uh I'm a senior at Goode High School, I like swimming and hanging out with my friends. There's not much to know about me, just a regular boring boy." I said, wanting to hide like everything about me. "Hey, someone not annoying that's related to you Tony. Who ever figured." Some guy with slightly darker blonde hair smirked. "Hey, I'm pretty sure he's got something interesting. Right?" Tony chuckled slightly. 'Oh you have no idea.' I chuckled mentally. "It is alright Tony, not everyone can have an awesome family as mine." Another blonde guy laughed, walking up to Tony and patting his back, making Tony slouch forward slightly. "Hey, can you show me my room? I need to give my girlfriend a call real quick." I asked, fumbling with my fingers.

Tony led me to my room which was two floors above the floor that we were on, where all the rest of the rooms were. "Your room is in between mine and Steve's. If you need anything just give a shout to JARVIS." He said before leaving. "Wait! Who's JARVIS!?" I shouted, but Tony was already gone. "Hello there Percy," a voice greeted me, freaking me out and making look around me, "No need to freak out, I am JARVIS, Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. Think of me as a really big computer robot." "Cool, freaky, but cool." I chuckled, entering my room.


This story will be slowly updated, it's just something that comes and goes, it's not going to be one of my main main stories. If you guys have any ideas then send me a little message and I might take it into consideration and put it in the story.

Family (Percy Jackson/Avengers Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora