A Load of Bull

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~The Next Morning~

"Come on kiddo, show us what cha can do." Tony pleaded his nephew. "Why?" Percy raised an eyebrow. "Because we're all curious as to how powerful you are." His uncle replied truthfully. "Dude, we'd destroy the city if we did." Nico chuckled, munching on his bowl of fruit. "What you mean destroy the city?" Clint asked with a slightly shocked face. "Percy would flood the city, and the twins would crack the earth open." Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Sheesh, they're that powerful?" Sam asked, looking at the teens. "Yes, big three remember?" Annabeth mused. "Tell us what you can do then kid." Natasha demanded. Lacie gave Natasha and Clint a cold glare, "Swear on the river styx that you will not tell Fury or anyone in SHIELD about what are going to tell you." "That sounds like an 'I promise' thing." Clint raised his eyebrow. "It is, only more severe. If you break it... Well, let's just say anyone who broke it never lived to tell the tale." Nico chuckled darkly. Clint and Natasha had a fearful expression after Nico told them that. "So swear on it, or we don't tell." Lacie smiled innocently. "Dude, she gets scarier and scarier by the second." Tony whispered to Percy. "We swear on the river styx that we will not tell SHIELD or Fury about any of your abilities and demigod life." Both of them swore at once.

Once everyone got settled in the living room couches, Percy stood up and began. "Well, guess I should start. My abilities are simple: I can control water -duh-, while I'm in water I'm like a superhuman, water can heal me, I can breathe underwater, I can talk to horses and sea creatures, I can creates storms -hurricanes to be exact-, I can create earthquakes, I have a higher heat resistance, and I can controls some poisons to a certain extent." Percy listed his abilities. "Damn, I got one cool nephew." Tony smirked, nodding his head a bit. "Psh, we're cooler." Nico sneered, standing up along with Lacie. Nico stopped mid-stride, "I have to go, father wants me." Lacie pouted and said "Fine." Nico walked to the shadow and disappeared. "Dad's under a lot of fire for letting something like this slip." Lacie sighed. "I would understand why, but not like he can oversee everything." Percy said, rubbing her back, "Now go tell 'em what you can do baby."

Lacie stood in front of everyone shyly, "Uhm let's see... I can control the earth a lot more than Percy, necromancy in which includes power over the dead aka I can summon and destroy souls and skeletons, I can release souls, talk to the dead, I can sense death, I can see people's life aura, I can kill anyone and force them into the underworld, oh I can summon and control bones, I can control shadows, I generate a cold aura when I'm upset and stuff, I can enter other demigod's dreams and I have control over my dreams usually, I naturally radiate intense fear and death like my father only to a lesser degree, and I have special seeds -that are for me and Nico only- that lets me die for a day." "But we're not scared of you, so that debunks your radiated fear kiddo." Clint smirked. Lacie smiled innocently and tilts her head to the side; she drops her control over her ability, letting it expand. "You should not have done that my friend." Thor shivered. Everyone looked at Lacie in fear. "I usually hold it back for reasons." Lacie giggles darkly. "O-o-okay, we get your point." Clint stuttered, trembling a bit. "If I make you like that, my father would make you piss your pants." She laughed, drawing back her ability.  "Percy, I take it back, Lacie's cooler." Tony pointed at Lacie. 

"What about you Annabelle?" Tony asked, getting her name wrong. "It's Annabeth. I'm not as 'cool' as them, I'm pretty much a skilled warrior, and a really good strategist since my mother is Athena: the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Oh, I'm also good at crafting." She told them. 

"Can we train? Please? Please?" Lacie begged Percy, bouncing up and down. "Fine." Percy groaned, standing up and going to the training room with her. "Oh oh oh can we watch?" Tony grinned like a child getting candy. "Sure why not." Percy shrugged. 

Everyone gathered in the training room and sat off to the side, watching Percy and Lacie with eyes like a hawk. "Ladies first baby." Percy smirked, pulling out his pen. "Can my nephew get any more lame?" Tony groaned. Percy rolled his eyes and clicked his pen, shocking everyone when they saw it turn into a three foot long sword. "Whoa, I take that back." Tony snickered. Lacie reached for the flowers that branched off from her headband and pulled out two roses. The two roses turned into two two-foot stygian iron sword. "No hard feelings babe." Lacie smirked, giving him a small wink before charging at him. She swung and thrust her swords at Percy. Percy dodged and blocked her swords, barely being able to keep up with them. 

"Wow, she's fast." Tony awed as he watched with the others. "Never could beat an Ares kid though." Annabeth chuckled. Percy continued to block and dodge Lacie's attacks as he tried to find an opening.   Lacie manage to disarm Percy after about 5 minutes, "You really otta take the offensive side more." She smirked deviously, holding the tip of her sword up to Percy's throat. "Maybe, I should next time." Percy chuckled nervously, holding his hands up in the air in defeat. Lacie smiled and giggled, relaxing slightly. Percy took this chance to grab Lacie's arm and turn her around, holding her own sword that she still had in her hand up against her throat. Percy chuckled and put his lips to her ear, "Or I can continue to use my tactic of wait and strike." Lacie 'tsk' and glared at Percy. "You are going to regret this sea breathe." She hissed, elbowing him in the stomach, making him step back. "I forgot," he gasped, "You and your revenge." 

"Sir, there is an attack in down town." JARVIS informed them. "Alright, we'll head over there." Tony replied. "Every body suit up." Tony took charge, rushing out of the room with everyone else. "Do we go or do we stay?" Percy looked at the other demigods. "Oh, they had Hephaestus make us some armor, and Hecate charmed them so our identities would be hidden." Nico remembered, taking the others to his room. Nico pulled out a bag and pulled out all of the armor. 

All of their armor were the normal Greek armor, but their shields bore their heritage. Annabeth's shield had an owl carrying Medusa's head from its beak, Percy's had a horse and trident that was centered on the shield, and the Di'Angelo twins' shield had Hades' helmet surrounded by three dog heads. "Whoa, you guys going to a convention?" Tony joked when he saw them. "Yeah, while you guys go fight we're gonna go to a Greek convention." Percy said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "We're going with you." Annabeth said in a flat voice. "No way am I letting kids-" Tony was cut off when Nico and Lacie glared at him. "Okay, up to the flying car with Natasha you go." Tony ushered them.

When they arrive at the scene, the demigods and Thor could see that it was a heard of minotaurs, but all the Avengers saw was a herd of bulls. "It's a herd of bulls..." Tony said in are-you-kidding-me voice. "No, minotaurs. I forgot that you guys can't see through the mist." Lacie said, drawing out her swords. "There's no mist?" Sam asked in a confused voice. "Guys, take a look again." Clint said in a shaky voice. "What the heck are those things!?" Steve shouted, tossing his shield at one of them only to have it bounce off of the minotaur. "Minotaurs, guess Hecate dropped the mist for them." Nico answered, mumbling the last part. "Stand down for this, your weapons don't affect them." Nico said, charging at one of the minotaurs and killing it.

The Avengers stood by helplessly and watched as the demigods took down the herd of minotaurs with  ease. Half an hour later, the demigods finished with the minotaur slaughter. 

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