Game Time

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"Alright Percy, watch and learn kiddo." Tony smirked. "Hey, hey, I want to play too." Percy said, standing up. "But, you're a kid? Do you know how to fight?" Tony chuckled, but it slowly died down when he noticed that Percy was serious. "I want in too." Lacie giggled. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, are you two serious?" Tony asked with a straight face. "Yes we are, the summer camp we go to teaches us self defense, and history class teaches about weapons and how they're used. I'm pretty sure we can figure it out." Percy waved his hand dismissively. "Okay kiddo..." Tony said in an unsure voice. "Come on Tony, let the kid play, let's see what he's made out of." Clint said. "Tony, let them play. It's only a game." Steve joined in. "Fine, fine, I'll let them play." Tony threw his hands up in defeat.

Everyone wrote their names down in slips of paper and put them in a hat. Tony looked at the hat and counted eight slips of paper. "There's only eight, there's nine of us." He pointed out. Bruce spoke up, "Oh I'm not playing. Don't want to hulk out." Tony nodded in understanding. He shook the hat a bit before picking out a name and passing the hat to Clint who passed it to Natasha after picking out a name.


Clint vs Lacie

Thor vs Percy

Natasha vs Sam

Tony vs Steve

"Good luck baby." Percy gave his girlfriend a quick peck on the cheek. "Okay, it's all old classic weapons, no techy stuff what so ever." Tony said as a line up of weapons appeared in front of Clint and Lacie. "Tony, I think that will only be a problem for you." Steve chuckled. "Hey, hey, hey, I know how to fight without my tech." Tony said in an offended way. "Alright, none of you can see what weapon the other is going to pick." Tony told them as they browsed through the weapons. Lacie looked at all the weapons and thought about her opponent. 'He's most likely going to pick a bow and arrow, but he's also unpredictable...' She thought, not being able to decide on which weapon to choose. 'Oh well, go with what you know best. Well, maybe second, maybe third... I don't want them to see me at my best... Hm,' her hand stop on the daggers. "How many can you get?" She asked Tony. "As many as you can carry." He answered.

Lacie smirked as the battle started. "Alright, shout all ya want, they can't hear us." Tony said as the scene appeared. Lacie and Clint were going to battle it out on a rocky terrain. "Ey Tony! This is not what we agreed on!" Clint shouted, looking around for a reply. "Oh well, make do with what you have." Lacie smirked, quickly throwing a dagger at Hawkeye. He quickly side stepped, avoiding a direct hit but still getting a tiny nick. "Whoa. Feisty." He smirked, nocking at arrow. Lacie quickly hid behind some rocks. 'Tsk, can't use any of my abilities... Ugh what a pain.' Lacie thought as she tiptoed from boulder to boulder. She flinched a bit as an arrow zipped past her face, grazing her nose bridge slightly. 'Crap, gotta be more careful.' She thought as she drew out another dagger that she hid in her sleeve.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are. You can't win against me kiddo." Clint taunted. Lacie bent down and picked up some pebbles, tossing them two boulders ahead of her. Clint turned his head towards the noise and nocked his arrow. While his attention was where Lacie wanted it to be, she snuck behind the boulder that Clint had his back to. She quickly popped up above the boulder and quickly threw a dagger at Hawkeye's calf, but he quickly turned around. "F*ck, that hurts." He grunt as the dagger embedded itself in on his lower leg. Quickly, he released the arrow that he had nocked. Lacie tried to side step the arrow, but she wasn't fast enough; the arrow hit her shoulder, nearly piercing through to the other side.

Lacie hid behind some more boulders in order to buy her some time to plan. 'Man, I don't think I can win against him, he's to advanced, way more skillful than me.' She thought as she kept an eye out on her surroundings. "Sup!" Clint startled Lacie by popping his face right in front of her's. Lacie let out a little shriek and clocked him right in the face, making him fall off the boulder. She quickly kicked him in the chest before he could recover and pulled out a dagger that she hid in her boot. Clint quickly kicked the dagger out of her hand and punched her in the stomach, making her double over slightly. Lacie quickly drew another dagger from under her shirt and slashed at Clint, cutting his chest slightly. "Sneaky, nice." Clint chuckled slightly, hitting her in the face with the end of his bow. "Omph!" She grunted and fell down to her hands and knees.

Clint raised his foot up to kick Lacie in the face, but she quickly grabbed his foot and shot up. Lacie uppercutted Clint, making him stumbled back a bit. Clint was caught off guard when Lacie tackled him to the ground. Lacie pulled out her last dagger that she hid in her other boot and held one dagger to his neck and another above his heart. "One move, and it's over for you." Lacie smirked, watching as the area around them turn into pixels along with their weapons. Lacie looked at where Clint's arrow had pierced her, and the wound disappeared. "Whoa, the wounds felt so real, but they weren't." Lacie gasped in awe, getting off of Clint and going back over to Percy.

"Good job baby." Percy smiled, kissing her cheek. "Alright Percy, Thor, you guys are up next." Tony announce. "He is a mere child Tony, this match is not fair." Thor said. "Clint and Lacie was an unfair match, she creamed his ass." Tony snickered, earning a glare from Clint. "I let her win okay?" Clint lied, turning his head away. "Uh huh, sure." Natasha smirked. "Hey, I wanted to be nice." He said. "To bad your ego wouldn't let you do that." Sam laughed. "Hey, hey, I only have a slight ego." Clint threw back at Sam.


Til next time peeps

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